Originally published at: Video reportedly shows UFO fleet flying out of active volcano in Mexico | Boing Boing
Ah, that’s where I left them.
Sorry, I was a bit the worse for wear…
I checked down the back of the sofa, you know, all the usual places.
Wow, that’s a lot of closely-spaced satellites… even knowing what it is, it still seems weird. I’m assuming the camera was really zoomed in to make them appear to be moving so quickly?
OK, that’s it. I’ve seen enough grainy, out-of-focus videos to convince me. We’re not alone.
Hey Popocatépet. Are those UFOs taking off or are you just excited to see me?
Maybe it’s a Bond villain escaping as his lair is destroyed?
They were probably just shooting a music video for the re-release.
I feel like this needs a voiceover from Ron Howard saying, “it wasn’t a UFO fleet”.
you’ve beaten me to the punch. I was a total UFO sceptic up until now, but this video could not be explained any other way! This is finally the overwhelming evidence we were looking for.
The “suggested videos” off that one are absolutely wild.
Wow those comments are ridiculous. (On the youtube videos)
Starlink is going to be to UFO seekers what “orbs” are to ghost hunters (that is, fully explained, easily identified mundane phenomena that nevertheless will continue to be presented as though they’re compelling evidence for decades and decades.)
The correct spelling is “Popocatépetl”.
Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar… Now you can’t tell me that’s a coincidence.
Starlink satellites
StarLink has absolutely littered the skies with satellites. This is what the skies to the west looked like from Tianguismanalco on the night of the sighting. (The volcano is almost due west of town.)
Every rectangle on the screen represents a StarLink satellite. The blue arc across the middle is the horizon, any satellites above it could possibly be visible, depending on a lot of conditions. Also, if the satellites they saw were launched on August 22nd, the ephemeral data I used (downloaded today) may not accurately reflect their locations as of August 24th.
What science could possibly explain that?
String Theory