Originally published at: Video shows L.A. County deputy attacking woman who filmed her husband's arrest | Boing Boing

Opinion | Half the Police Force Quit. Crime Dropped.
This charming town has a powerful tale to tell.
Originally published at: Video shows L.A. County deputy attacking woman who filmed her husband's arrest | Boing Boing
Anytime I see that someone was charged with assaulting an officer or resisting arrest, I take it to mean the cop assaulted that person
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is one of the largest and least accountable militant organizations in America. Their annual budget is over $4 Billion, which is more than the total military budget of Kazakstan.
Truly should not even be a chargeable offense. WTF.
I just hope this couple makes it through, and gets some justice.
A white male officer attacking a Black woman? Color me unsurprised.
And this is in goddam Los Angeles where the competition for being the goose-steppingest thugs is LAPD, and Torrance PD among others. Standing out in that company is no easy task.
The LA County Sheriff’s Department will do it every time, guaranteed. The culture is so toxic they’d need to fire everyone and start from scratch to change the situation.
“matched the descriptions” = black.
That cop very much looks like the type to do this. Other than the uniform and the badge, that pomaded up hair just screams “fash” to me.
And the mustache. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he looks like a cop from a '70’s porn movie. Someone said Lancaster was the Dixieland of CA. They sure seem to be proving his point.
I sometimes daydream about that happening in a lot of places, but the logistics of it get pretty scary. I’m sure people in the position to do it have thought about it, but I wonder what it looks like in terms of not “losing” a bunch of paramilitary equipment and ammo with the exodus, or having records or evidence tainted by malcontents.
How far outside the organization would you need to go to get trustworthy people to supervise the transition?
Cases like the one below where cops quit, or experiments towns are trying in going cop-free for a period of time, give me hope that restructuring is not as scary as GOP fear mongers want the public to believe:
This charming town has a powerful tale to tell.
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