Video shows man attempt to firebomb the Kremlin

Yet more brick/stone buildings whose paint jobs he could have scorched. Seems like the worst damage he could have done was set fire to some foliage on the other side of the wall…

They are not wholly brick on the inside the walls, I was watching some restoration work in action while there and this “event” may have caused some semi-real damage. These churches were built by Italian architects of much wood & plaster & stucco, not all were “onion domed” style, but just neat to see this type of more-modern building inside of an late-medieval fortress wall.

If things get to “normal”, I’d recommend a visit to Moscow. But also do St Petersburg as that is more “classically European” and a different feeling all together. (insert opinion that I agree with your opinion of world-situations here, lé sigh)

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Oh, he was just casting a vote.

My point is, leadership change is probably gonna require an inside job. Such as an army coup, though that would be quite bold.

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