Video shows Turkey's Erdogan watched from limo as his guards bashed protesters in Washington, D.C

Similar in Burma, where the gov’t attempted (with some success) to block VOA broadcasts.

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[quote=“FFabian, post:42, topic:101256”]
Why should I? That isn’t/wasn’t the topic.[/quote]

I thought the topic was what an amoral thug Erdogan was. Someone else decided it was a good platform for bashing the US and our media. I’m happy to bash the US and our media, as most of the Americans on BBS are, though as @nojaboja points out this coverage is actually thanks to the US media, so the thread derailment was the decision to make this yet another diatribe about how bad the US is.

The EU is Turkey’s largest trading partner, and by country Germany is the largest. If the world wants to do something about Erdogan then the ball is in Germany’s court. Too bad criticising Erdogan is actually illegal there, at least until next year (possibly).

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That’s the confirmation that you don’t have the slightest clue about the issue in general and §103 in particular. Did you even read it?

Again I refer to World press freedom index (didn’t look at that too, didn’t you?)

And you should refresh your knowledge about the recent developments in the Europe/Germany vs Turkey relations …

[quote=“FFabian, post:45, topic:101256”]
And you should refresh your knowledge about the recent developments in the Europe/Germany vs Turkey relations too… [/quote]
I’ve seen the saber rattling over Incirlik, but that hasn’t stopped the two countries from seeking to double their economic trade with one another.

Again I refer to World press freedom index

Its the best press index. The best.

Better than your unsubstantiated and plain wrong statements for sure.

Start here:

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The standards for exactly how much conflict avoidance you have to demonstrate; and the proportions of ‘proportionate’ vary; but I don’t know of any US jurisdiction where self-defense isn’t a thing.

Plus, diplomatic immunity only covers actions by the legal system(or too transparently at the behest of the state); so a diplomat injured in an altercation with a private citizen has no special advantage(aside from probably excellent lawyers and people willing to whine loudly about what happened to them).

In this case, unfortunately, there simply doesn’t appear to have been enough defensive capacity to make the question relevant.

You asked for it:


fascist dictators are all the same. mussolini, 28 April 1945…

Franco ruled Spain for 36 years.


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