Video surfaces of Canadian Prime Minister in blackface

Right on! It’s absolutely lovely!



Call me insensitive, but I just don’t think one group should have the right to decide what others are allowed to do solely on the basis of a claim that they feel hurt by it, when it in no way is directed at them or done to offend them. I’m no first amendment fundamentalist who think you are allowed to deliberately insult anyone anyhow because freedom of speech, but if “I feel hurt” is enough of a reason, anything can be banned.

To what extent do you think we should ban pictures of Muhammad? Muslims nowadays are persecuted, and some clearly are hurt, but is that enough? Deliberately offensive pictures, like one of Muhammad with the turban replaced by a bomb are clearly in bad taste, but more neutral pictures or ones with a mild humor, are those acceptable? Should we stop selling “The Satanic Verses” as too offensive?

What do you do when people in southerns states complain they are hurt by someone wanting to take down their beloved statues of old generals? Laugh and say “It doesn’t count, you aren’t really oppressed”?

It’s not as if I use blackface, and it’s pretty unnecessary to do it since some people dislike it, but from there to demanding resignations because someone did it long ago is a very long step. I also think the stigma is counterproductive in the long run as it only reinforces the idea that skin color is something very important.


More cool Black cosplayers who didn’t feel the “need” to alter their skin tone:

I think we may need a ‘Cosplayers Diversity’ post, because while only tangentially on topic here, it’s a fun and interesting subject.

Okay then, you’re insensitive; and if you don’t care about how other human beings feel about being disrespected and dehumanized, that’s fine… but don’t ever be surprised if those same people don’t care about you, your well being, or how you may feel.


You ARE “allowed” to wear skin-darkening makeup. Nobody can throw you in prison for going full blackface on Halloween.

What you’re NOT “allowed” to do is decide that no one else find your costume racist or offensive.


It’s not “solely on a claim”. It’s based on “a claim” and our shared knowledge of history and our shared knowledge that racism is real.

Calling it “solely” means you think some black person is making something up with no relation to anything else at all.

Ignoring all past history and modern politics and society is not just insensitive, it’s insensate.

White people demanding the option to paint themselves black without any reasonable stigma reinforces the idea that skin color is something very important.



They don’t. They just have the right to choose how they interpret and respond to it. There’s no law breathing down your neck on this.

Feel free to go do blackface. Good luck - hey - maybe you can post some pics of yourself.


I suspect you didn’t watch this at all, but breezed right past.

If you did, then you definitely didn’t listen and absorb the lesson.


Yes, they aren’t oppressed.

Anyway, I tried to appeal to your compassionate side, but clearly that’s not possible. All you want is to “win.” Well, no one here is going to say “ok, you’re right, we’re wrong.” Good luck chasing that pipe dream. Like I said, if you do start to feel like helping instead of hurting, try comforting instead of exacerbating pain. Thanks. Have a good day.


My mentor once gave me a very sage piece of advice that has always stayed with me;

Never attempt to appeal to anyone’s “better nature,” because they simply may not be equipped with one. Instead, make your appeals to their self interest, because everyone has that.


I imagine you are against affirmative action in college admissions, because it “only reinforces the idea that skin color is something very important.”


Done. You are one insensitive guy. Happy?

And that’s the thing. The reason that anyone is even saying maybe Justin should resign over this is because he is an elected official who is currently running for re-election – there is concern that someone who is either racist or completely insensitive is not the person they want representing them.

You, however, are not (insofar as I know) an elected official so are free to alienate the populace as much as you want. They’ll just think you’re an asshole, but you’re free to do it.


And they’re free to think that.



a medieval musician, especially one who sang heroic poetry to a musical accompaniment for the nobility.

It’s literally not minstrel blackface. It’s wearing makeup to darken his skin, not caricature black people. We need to keep in mind that when you consider the timing there is likely a political agenda involved.

I purposefully said, “groups like the KKK”, because I’m painfully aware of that.

And there are many, many videos and photos of people wearing makeup to change their skin tone to match whoever they are dressing up as. I don’t know if you’re messing with me, or what, but when I say “should”, I mean just that. If you say, “people should care for each other”, you are not saying that because you think it is reality, it’s what you would like to see as a reality.

But, I think you know what I meant, because that’s really all I could mean. If you’ve been hurt or you need help of any kind, you let me know. I’m here for you, or anyone who needs it. We need to show each other kindness even if sinister forces have tried to turn us against eachother. They want us divided.

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Okay, you’re insensitive

Neither do I, which is why I clip my toenails at the dinner table.

Of course not. They’re some of the “good ones”, right?

… but that’s exactly what I am saying.

Who’s talking about banning anything? This is one group of people saying “please don’t do this”, another saying “nah, I’m gonna keep doing it even though it’s no skin off my ass either way”, and everybody else calling them out on being a dick. We’re not talking about banning anything, but if someone’s going to be a dick to an entire race of people, we’re gonna call them out on it. Even if it’s someone we like. Especially if it’s someone we like.

First you must ask, “why do they want statues of old generals? Are they really into history? Why not put up statues of union generals right next to them? Y’know, the guys who won the war? Oh right, it’s something else… but what was it… gee I don’t know…”

No, laugh while tearing down even more of their monuments to human rights abuse which is exactly what they are. And then drink a nice hot mug of racist tears.

Yes, “some people” dislike it :confused:

How long ago? Like, back during slavery days?


Back when blackface and minstrel shows were commonplace in theater and movies?

Still no.

Back when “a few people” were upset by this but before most people were loudly shouting it down?

Whaddya mean no?

Also keep in mind that Justin Trudeau is the son of a high profile Canadian politician and former Prime Minister. He should have known better.

It’s sad because I really liked him.

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Minstrel blackface isn’t referring to medieval minstrels. :man_facepalming:

And there are many, many videos and photos of people wearing makeup to change their skin tone to match whoever they are dressing up as.

It’s not about make-up. It’s about when make-up is specifically used when a white person is specifically trying to look like a black person.

When you keep talking about all the ways make-up is used, you sound like you’re trying to be wilfully ignorant of what other people are directly saying.


i think the only appropriate response Jagmeet Singh put on Trudeau-face and give a yes men style speech about how he doesn’t care about first nations folks but he’ll never have to apologize because we decimated their culture so badly there’s not much left to mockingly appropriate.

I did, and it says blackface is caricature. This isn’t caricature.

From the article:

Blackface is a form of theatrical make-up used predominantly by Actors to represent a caricature of a black person.

… such as the “happy-go-lucky darky on the plantation” or the “dandified coon”.

It’s not mockery, or satire, or meant to offend, he’s just wearing dark makeup. You and others here want me to read certain parts of that article and ignore other defining traits of blackface shown right there. I get that it’s offensive, but it’s not blackface. You are cheapening the term.

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Al Jolson reportedly greatly respected the African-American singers he imitated in The Jazz Singer, yet that is the predominant concept of minstrel blackface.

IT DOESN’T MATTER if he respected them. It’s still minstrel blackface and it’s racist as hell.