Video surfaces of Canadian Prime Minister in blackface

Hey Mr. Definition-Lover,

Caricature means imitiating a person through the use of exaggerated features, which is what white people do when they slap on black make-up in order to look like a black person.

You’re admitting you didn’t know the definition until five minutes ago, and you’re not getting it right.

If you want to have a mature discussion about this, please read some of the responses you’re getting with more care. People have given you a lot of good faith and considered responses.


It doesn’t matter what was “intended;” the end result is that it IS perceived as disrespectful mockery, and people ARE indeed offended.

And despite how anyone tries to sugar-coat it; a White person darkening their skin in order to look like a POC is blackface, fullstop; no matter why they are doing it.


If you read my entire post, you would have seen that I was talking about pretty much all of American history and it’s actual government. We have a white supremacist SYSTEM. Our early political system was created by slave owners for their benefit. Our economic system was built on slavery. And African Americans had literal second class citizenship for much of the next 100 or so years, and the few protections they won came at the expense of thousands murdered in public lynchings across the country. And now, there is a new Jim Crow that targets African Americans (and latinx Americans) for imprisonment at far higher rates than other populations.


I was a latchkey kid and there were times I wish my parents were less laissez faire too and took on a more mentor like role. Because of this, I try not to re-make their mistakes, apply what they did do right, and try to be the type of mentor I wished I had.

In regards to a kid dressing up in brown or black face, the adults in that kid’s life deserve to receive the condemnation for failing to stop the kid from making such a hurtful mistake.


Well, now there is just the one word, “blackface” that represents a spectrum of behavior (although in Canada we also have “brownface” which seems to be the same thing), the spectrum being from out-and-out mockery such as minstrel stuff, to non-mocking, overly-enthusiastic cosplay of the sort Trudeau engaged in when he dressed up like Aladdin. It’s all offensive and racist these days (the cosplay probably not so much 20 yrs ago), and the non-mocking end of the spectrum is less racist, but unlike the Inuit and their multiple words for snow, we only have the one word. Unlike snow, there’s no need for more, because now everyone knows that whatever part of the spectrum it’s on, it going to offend people and it’s wrong.

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I distinctly remember a heated discussion two teachers had over whether a Magi should or should not be brown-faced for a nativity play.

And that was in the 60s in Durham (the UK one).

(The resolution was the child was not made up).



I think you don’t understand the difference between Newspeak and the natural evolution of language.


Nice try at deflection, but a fail nonetheless. Mohammed is a quasi-mythical figure just like Jesus, and suffers no harm from being mocked. That’s very different from caricatures of real, living black people.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 12 hours unless flagged)

He’s not even trying to hide it these days.


Look, I’ll make this simple for you:

Everyone has the absolute right to wear makeup that darkens their skin.

Everyone also has the right to decide that action is blackface, to be offended by it, and to think people doing that are being assholes.

You are well within your rights to think the people hurt by what they consider “blackface” are wrong. We are well within our rights to think that you are being insensitive and annoying.

Nobody here is disputing your rights, but you seem to be disputing ours (which, again, is your right, but it’s fucking annoying). Just let it go. You aren’t going to “win” this “argument.” If you want to complain about how offensive it is to you that other people are offended by things you aren’t offended by, then there are plenty of sympathetic ears at 8chan.

ETA: I think it’s strange that you joined the BBS just to argue “this isn’t blackface” in the Trudeau blackface threads. I suggest you visit the other threads, maybe read the guidelines (especially the part about good faith), and learn through observation how to effectively participate in this community. I also suggest you avoid posting in topics having to do with race for a while. Thanks.


Exactly this, and we seem to be taking specific words and diluting their meanings. The media like having clickbait titles and there’s an election going on, so we need to make it sound as though he had the worst possible intentions, and make the word 'blackface" mean whatever we like in the process. I’m not a Trudeau fan, but I’m glad most Canadians are seeing through a fairly subtle form of propeganda.

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Maybe we could all chip in and crowdfund some sociology and other college courses for you. There are some very lovely academics out there who made it their life’s work to actually explain racism and blackface, and I’m sure you might gain some other insights about the world.

FFS, I haven’t even had breakfast yet.


That’s not true, I posted 3 days ago that blackface is mockery and caricature, and that this does not meet that definition.

I’m not. We should all be aware that there is an issue with various organizations interfering with our democratic systems. This thing appears at the start of a campaign, and I’m reminded of the special timing we saw with Hilary-related scandals.
Like Hilary, Trudeau is the lesser of 2 evils. His opponent, Sheer, is openly bigoted in his platform. He’s a Canadian Trump.
This is why it’s important we be accurate in reporting. Of course he needs to be held accountable, but if we’re sloppy with our reporting and use of words, we could end up electing an actual overt racist vs Trudeau, who’s done more for refugees and immigrants than any prime minister in recent history. I understand people here are well meaning, but it might have the opposite effect you expect.


Hi. Do you intend to use the rest of the BBS, or was your sole purpose for joining to try and convince us that we are wrong about the word “blackface”?

If it’s the former:

  • You really ought to consider learning more about this space and community before continuing to converse in this thread.
  • Why don’t you take a break from this thread, and instead participate in one that doesn’t involve blackface?

If it’s the latter:

  • Are you an authority on blackface and racism, or did you just read some wikipedia articles?
  • Do you have any personal experiences involving skin-darkening makeup that you can share that might enrich this conversation?
  • Are you willing to consider the possibility that your position is mistaken?

Your sloppy use of words begins with confusing racism (a system of oppression rooted in skin color or cultural bias)) with bigotry (an illogical hatred for someone over certain physical or cultural markers like skin color or sexual preference).

Racism is the system/method, bigotry the tool, blackface the symptom. The thing is, bigotry is only one of the tools in the toolbox, and racism that produces blackface is accomplished easily without the use of it.

Bernier (or Sheer) may be a raging bigot, but concrete examples show that both (they or Trudeau) benefit from racism.


@beschizza @ugh What I’m trying to say is, things like this get exaggerated in the media (by using words like “blackface” when there was no intent to mock or caricature). This is part of a corporate agenda to elect Andrew Sheer.
Sheer has a freely readable, racist, blatantly oppressive platform that’s getting no coverage. Trudeau has done far more for immigrants and refugees than any other prime minister in recent history.
If you think I’m playing dumb or am trying to be subtly racist, read the Liberal Platform, then read the Conservative platform, look at the polls, consider the interference in the US election, and watch Manufacturing Consent on youtube. Last US election should show that it is important what we cover and how we cover it.

For the. Last. Damn. Time:

What Trudeau did IS Blackface regardless of when or why he did, or that his intentions may not have been malicious.

None of that matters; the fact is that he did this offensive shit, on 3 different documented occasions.

Attempting to gaslight an entire online forum about what is and is not blackface won’t change the facts.

It’s unfortunate for Canada that the ‘least evil’ of their election options has such problematic antisocial behavior in his past, and that his opponents are using his prior dumb and insensitive choices to vilify Trudeau now, but that doesn’t mean the people he’s offended are ‘obligated’ to forgive him or overlook his transgressions.