Videoshopping still photos of Putin creates an uncanny valley effect


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Terry Gilliam would be proud.

As for the song, I know it from this silly animation. In that version the 2nd line is:

Girl! Let’s start a war! Start a nuclear War! At gay bar gay bar gay bar!

But now the ‘war’ and ‘nuclear war’ seems to have been replaced with a whip crack sound. Weird.

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That is some darn good pupetting. Some of them are actually quite convincing.


Until just now, this was my favorite Putin animation…


YES! WTF is up with that? Can anyone illuminate? I looked it up recently because I was looking for a theme song for my cat (long story) and couldn’t find a version without the whip crack.

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Holy Guacamole! I spit my coffee on the screen!

I was hoping for a bit more explaination of what they had done.

It’s a British General election this year. I want to see George Osbourne sing Kill The Poor, or Nick Clegg tell a group of students he’ll do anything for love, but he won’t do that (oppose the increase of tuition fees).

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this all reminds me of cyriak.

Is Depardieu’s head really that big?

[quote=“ActionAbe, post:5, topic:50325”]YES! WTF is up with that? Can anyone illuminate? I looked it up recently because I was looking for a theme song for my cat (long story) and couldn’t find a version without the whip crack.
[/quote]I have no idea why “war” is censored in those, but here’s an uncensored version.

Because war is a bad word and nice children should not hear it.


I’m probably one of ten people who haven’t seen this…
Obvious Super Bowl commercial material. 25 secs of just this (musical accompaniment is a no-brainer) --then a tag line: Yes, America. That just happened.

I agree and as an After Effects tinkerer I’m really impressed. They clearly did a whole lot more than just “cut it out” and “move it.” It’s full-on rigging and I’d be curious to see their technique.


While the lip movement stuff is a dead giveaway, it’s pretty crazy how some of it looks realistic and the worst of it looks like the animation from Archer.

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What a fantastic job. Loved this.

This reminds me of Cyriak’s animations, that uncanny-valley effect is pretty much what (s)he thrives on.


For future reference, as quoted on Cyriak’s own website

Who is this Cyriak? Where did he come from and what is he made of? And more importantly, how does he pay the rent? Here is the information you are seeking…

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About when the Iraq war started and that new round of school shooting, something entered into some music executive’s heads about violent words being traumatic (you know, literal political correctness), and MTV was a big adopter of this policy back when they were still the primary source of music videos. I remember Welcome to Jamrock* being huge and was used on a few shows, and the chorus was always censored, but she’s actually saying/word-playing ‘out in the streets they call it merther’ which is about the chill feeling from pot – although that’s “censor worthy” too.

*it itself is censored in the video AND published by Universal.

There’s a subtly Cyriaky super weirdness going on, for sure. I approve.

That’s not 'shopped, everyone knows Putin likes to go dance in gay dance clubs (mostly of neighboring countries) during the weekends.

Would somebody offer some links on this sort of technique? I have searched “videoshopping” and not found anything like this.