Violence erupts at Ku Klux Klan rally in Anaheim, home of Disneyland

That serves authoritarians/fascists and bullies of any stripe. Are you made uncomfortable by confrontation and conflict? Some people aren’t, and often they’ll bring it to you and rarely to your benefit.

Also, your message is kinda totally 100% whack, you could label it history free. Left/Right have never had any lock on violence or non-violence, you’re conflating ends and means that have nothing to do with one another except that the means are always a commonality.

And what constitutional right are you talking about? It isn’t at all clear. The right of the KKKdiots to have a rally or the right others exercise when they show up to protest that rally? You talk about one having that right but the other not, completely ignoring that both sides exercised it.

Yeah, when I’m helping people to better themselves and their world, for their sake, their children’s sake and all their fellow human’s sake, that’s what I tell them… stop trying to change the world, Or at least restrict your world changing to Saturdays, but not too early, and not after dark, keep it down around noon when I’m napping, and the early afternoon is when I watch my stories… yeah, that shit inspires people.

I’m sure someone else will point out the complete lack of irony present in your weird assertion that the left side of politics have been proponents of the right to assemble, when the reality of it is that right to assemble is a shared value of the right and left in the western world.

As for [quote=“myplane150, post:17, topic:74352”]
Protesting is one thing, but protesting with weapons can never be allowed.

Anyone saying this is in the middle of a rant criticizing the left is creating actual irony given the frequency that weapons advocates protest armed, show up at political rallies armed, have protests that are specifically about being armed at protests, take over federal land as “protest” while armed, and all these events are primarily people who identify as right wing.

If you identify as right wing, I encourage you to continue and to express what you think of as irony more frequently.


If? IF?!


Didn’t they have a big scare at the University of Missouri during the protests? I usually hear about them as a big, scary menace, not some pathetic looking misfits.

Pathetic-looking misfits



i have no idea why the klu klux klan rally wasn’t happening in disneyland. i’m not sure why it would matter there.

Who said the group attacking the KKK were part of the “liberal left”? Are only “leftists” opposed to a terrorist organization that killed thousands of people in the US? If that’s the case, I guess everyone who isn’t a “leftist” must be a pretty shit human being. “Whiny” versus “totally shit human being” - if those are the choices, I guess I know where I stand.


For one thing, many people probably don’t really know where Anaheim is or what it’s famous for. But more saliently, the contrast between a KKK rally and Disneyland is funny. One imagines Disney characters getting into a rumble with Klansmen.


Apparently being willing to take the fight back to the KKK is a “leftist” thing. You know, because only those crazy pinko commie lefties would have a problem with a horrible organization that openly advocates racism etc…

And I’ll get on board with the people who feel a little conflicted about this. One one hand it’s a bit refreshing to see people openly and willingly fighting against the KKK, but on the other hand rule of law, peaceful protest, being better than the knuckle draggers you’re protesting against, freedom of speech (no matter how ugly…).


Given Walt’s political leanings, I’m more prone to imagine Disney characters cheering on the Klansmen.


Knott’s Berry Farm on the pretty other hand won’t stand for that shit. (I know it’s not Anaheim, but it’s close enough.)


Does anyone else not see the irony of this. For decades the Liberal left has been the proponents of the right to assemble. Many times for something only ‘they’ believed in or for an unpopular subject matter. If that right is stepped on by protesters they, the left,

Take your fantasy of Bolschevik perfidy and justify your Nazi horseshit on someone else’s time.



They should RICO the cocksuckers.


Rico and the Cocksuckers would be an awesome band name.


“Anaheim, Home of Disneyland” is actually the full official name of the city. It’s even on their city flag.


So, wait, the KKK guy stabed himself “for self-defense”?

So he felt so threatened by being KKK he had to react and harm himself. Well, thats kind of refreshing, even the KKK fears and hates the KKK.


I’m always a bit disconcerted how “liberal” is an insult in the USA.


personally I’d have gone for “Violence erupts at Ku Klux Kaln rally in Anaheim, a city I’m tangentially aware of from the work of PKD”


Dangerous people always wanting to promote contraception, treat all ethnicities equally, reduce the power of the military and Wall Street, and help the poor. How can you get on with creating an armed citizenry obediently doing the work of the bankers while the women stay home breeding and cooking, if you’ve got those whiny entitled people around the place?


If only it had happened in/near the Haunted Mansion, and instead of knives the assailants had used bananas… THAT would have sent the BoingBoing-meter reading off the charts.