Originally published at: Visiting the Obamas while they're in town | Boing Boing
They’re great portraits, and obviously far better than anything I could do so I’m not criticizing here, but something about the position of Barack’s chair is weirdly distracting to me. Like he’s sitting only on the front edge and leaving about a foot of space in front of the backrest. The artist Kehinde Wiley says he created the chair from his imagination rather than painting an actual chair that Obama was posing in, so the placement of the chair was a very conscious choice. But maybe Obama does like to sit on the front edge of chairs, I have no idea.
I always found something seemed off with his portrait. Now that you point out the chair, yep. It’s the chair.
Michelle’s, otoh, is perfect.
Alas, these portraits depict the posh elitism that will forever stain a presidential legacy that included bailing out Wall Street and letting Main Street suffer (especially Black American Main Street). Just like Obama’s posh 60th birthday super-spreader event on his 12-million-dollar estate, the paintings depict exclusiveness and chic fashion that 99% of Americans do not share.
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