Volkswagen upgrades its logo

Logos can be ugly, it is not their primary purpose to be attractive.


Glad to see that flat design was alive and well in 1967.

Toyota recently did the same thing with their logo. Abandoned the chrome version, and replaced it with a white flat logo on a red square.

Thank you. Fun times coming my way.

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This page staes that

The Führer himself was present, predicting that this Volkswagen , initially known as the Kraft-durch-Freude-Wagen, or KdF-Wagen, would be “a symbol of the National Socialist people’s community." The Volkswagen plant eventually became a massive complex known as the “City of the Kdf-Car” [“ Stadt der Kdf-Wagen ”] and was expected to produce at least 1.5 million cars annually. In reality, the plant had only just started small-scale production of what would become the Volkswagen Beetle when the company halted civilian production with the onset of World War II. In the end, the vast majority of Germans who completed their savings books never received their long-awaited People’s Cars, as Volkswagen went into military production.

One could argue that they essentially stole peoples’ savings for the benefit of the nazi war machine (as, iirc, James May did in Cars of the People), but the timeline of VW’s logo chnges is somewhat muddled. It may not have had a swastica, but VW did use slave labor to build things for the german army.

Perhaps Mommsen’s book is worth a perusal.


I’m still disappointed Sony didn’t really use “Because Caucasians are just too damn tall.”

( )


That would have been a difficult trick – they were established by the Nazi German Labour Front

VW: We almost reach the ground.


Bit late for Volkswagen to remove the blue from their logo after their AdBlue scandal where they rigged their emissions algorithm to hide pollution violations.


I hate the ex-Top Gear presenters as much as the next man, but accusing one of them of war crimes is a bit rich.

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True that…

Although didn’t Clarkson almost re-start the Falklands War at some point?

And somewhat incompetent, thankfully.

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That design studio/department has to justify its existence somehow.

as a kid in the 70’s and 80’s I would watch movies from the 50’s thru 70’s and didn’t understand why bikers wore what I eventually found out to be world war 1 and 2 German paraphernalia. I understood there was a war and such but for some naive reasoning I hadn’t realized it was meant to set people off, as in showing the signs of your bad ass enemy etc. was I really ever dumb enough to think after a terrible war was done everyone just shook hands and said ‘good game’? I get the feeling the German eagle you mention was large portions of egotistical pride in German engineering and at least not as intentionally offensive as Sid Vicious in a swastika T-shirt

like all good charts it just needs to narrow its focus then till the numbers make sense for the desired end goal. lol

I’d say your feeling is a bit off.


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