Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/08/19/vultures-occupy-florida-home.html
Run Away!
Typical altright traphouse then.
Two thoughts:
Owners’ Teenage Son: Uh…yeah…the seagulls I mean vultures filled it with vomit and excrement…
If all that isn’t a metaphor for American politics and economics ca. 2019, I don’t know what is.
Speaking of gross vulture stories, I like this one:
The homeowners blame Katz’s neighbor, a woman who they claim is excessively feeding wildlife. Katz said she has seen the neighbor give bags of dog food and even a roasted chicken to the vultures.
Some issues there, I think.
There is a family tale of my grandfather driving my mom when she was a little girl and out of nowhere a dead rabbit just dropped onto their windshield, blood, whole carcass and everything.
They never figured out where it came from there was nothing around them, my mom always just presumed an eagle or something dropped it and it landed on their car as they were driving.
I imagine that would scare the shit out of me
Could be worse, could be a tortoise.
While this would certainly suck, it is a bit difficult to muster much sympathy hearing that someone is having problems with their 700,000 dollar vacation home. Truly a first world problem.
According to the article, they were dealing with Black Vultures. From the Wikipedia page:
This vulture also appeared in Mayan codices.
So finally, The End Is Nigh!!!
I’m trying to understand how the vultures became “trapped” in the house. Like, was the neighbor opening the door to throw vulture food inside?
Anyhow, I also enjoyed this tidbit:
Katz said she even tried putting out four fake owls that have moving heads and blinking lights.
“The vultures chewed the owls apart,” she said. “They ripped the heads off.”
It was a screened-in porch area. They tore through one of the screens then couldn’t get out.
Vultures really know how to party.
Now, had your family been vultures this had been an occasion to celebrate with a feast of dead rabbit.
Ok, I just figured vultures were too intelligent to resort to murdering one another cause they couldn’t get back out the same damn screen they tore through to begin with!