Waikiki hotel dumps Trump name in mad dash for a new image

Wakea Waikiki? More like Woke-a! :wink:


Dictator Chic and Vampire Moderne is the name of my … wait… I had something for this…
Ooo! Alt punk Captain and Tennille tribute act!

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Well, yeah, the same people who still think that kind of style is a signifier of wealth and taste… But it’s still gaudy and tacky and always really was.

And he got away with it, because he understood well-enough how to work the system, and there was a lot less pressure to let the wealthy get away with that kind of shit.

Some people like gaudy and tacky, because they think it’s how the wealthy all live and they want a taste of that…

I think plenty of people knew who and what he was, even then. I mean, some of his first major trials were over racism in his rentals. And of course, let’s not forget the full page ad he bought in the NYT calling for the death penalty for the central park 5… None of this was a secret, it’s just that lots of white people who were really enamored of the 80s obsession with wealth and power did not care.

That’s the thing - what you consider nice might not be what someone else considers nice. It’s a subjective term, rather than objective one.


When shopping for a place to stay in Waikiki, this hotel came up because it’s fairly good for its price range/location, but I had no desire to stay in any place even remotely associated to him. Amusingly, all the recent reviews I could find only mentioned how “honored” they were to be staying at “his place” and zero about the hotel.

Told me all I needed to know, really.


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