Walken Closet was my favorite Superbowl ad

Unfortunately, the message of the ad is completely undermined by the fact that the car is white - the single most common car color in the world.


As long as there is a release of liability, itā€™s okay to encourage poor practices. Got it.


Yep, and body style and such make it look like at least half of the other makes and models on the road.

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What is this Stupor Bowl that you speak of?


Yeah, not her best film, nor even all that great a movie (though still infinitely better than the exceedingly crappy Harrison Ford remake in the 90ā€™s), but stillā€¦feel the Hepburn :slightly_smiling:

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Which is ironic since Budweiser is revolting crap that taste like it was made with the water in those horsesā€™ troughs.


Well, apparently you should show your individuality by obeying a direct order to buy a generic looking product on an advert specifically targeted to appeal to your demographic.


Iā€™m absolutely amazed about the superbowl phenomenon. The fact that the main talking point is about the god damn fucking ads instead of the actual game is beyond me, and super telling. Holy shit!



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Iā€™ll defer to your experience on that. I donā€™t drink lagers on either side of the Atlantic.

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LOL. Neither do I, but I used to serve them. And for a brewery that was very particular about their products, so things like storage and serving temperature were a big deal to them.

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My favorite commercials from the Superb Owl this year?

  • Death Wish Coffee!
  • Anthony Hopkins Selling Out.

My reaction to the Walken closet commercial? Meh, Iā€™ll watch it because itā€™s Walken. But itā€™s tough for Hyundai to find something to say to excite people about their boring cars, so they decided to just roll with it. Theyā€™re not exciting cars, just practical and functional, and their friends over at Kia already did the hamster thing, so they canā€™t copy that.

In fairness, her best work has ā€¦issuesā€¦

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