Warren endorses Biden

I have no problem with that, provided that:

  1. You are working locally to elect the most progressive candidates in your local area.
  2. You are meeting with your neighbors (either by holding meetings at your house or attending one of theirs) in an effort to coordinate actions on behalf of progressive candidates and causes
  3. You are attending public meetings with your locally elected representatives and writing letters (not emails) letting them know the critical importance of your causes, both from a personal as well as a political point of view.
    If those of us reading this are doing those things, then yes, screw the DNC. However, too many of us are more involved in the spectator sport of politics and liberal causes than in the doing hard, thankless work of self-governance.

Win or lose in November (and I sincerely hope that the Democratic Party wins), every progressive cause will need to be pushed at the local level.