Warren endorses Biden


As you say, at least he ain’t Trump …

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No one is arguing that Biden’s just as bad; in fact, I think we established up the thread that Biden is 3.12% less bad.

Regardless, my hair wouldn’t be this fucking on fire if I thought that. What I am seeing now is a repeat of 2016: the Establishment Candidate whose only campaign platform is “I’m Not Trump” slow-walking all of us into the fucking woodchipper afraid to raise a fuss for fear of upsetting the mythical Swing Voter. The only virtue is that, thanks to the quarantine, I won’t have to see Uncle Skeletor dancing to “Old Town Road” on Ellen.

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Some of them are accelerationists, and believe that Trump will prepare the USA for welcoming a socialist revolution (usually Marxism-Leninism, which should tell you all you need to know) as it’s rescuer. A lot of socialists think it is an idiotic idea (me included), but it doesn’t stop it being revived at every election and you only need a few true believers to persuade the undecided.


It isn’t automatically so, but the way she’s handled being a Senator has been.

“I will name Nero as my successor. People will be so sick of him that they will beg for a return of the Republic”
-Claudius (I, Claudius)


“After Hitler, our turn”
-The KPD, who were made illegal by Hitler the day after the March 1933 election


Since you agree that doing nothing is not useful, hopefully you’re donating towards or volunteering for the DNC or other more progressive political organizations. There actually are a lot of people in the DNC and more progressive groups who are doing their best to raise hell and fight back at the GOP, and many senators and would be senators who could use your help. The more progressive we make the Senate, the more progressive a judge we can place there. https://swingleft.org/ https://democrats.org/team-blue/ https://join.mobilize.us/


2020 is not 2016 and Joe Biden is not Hillary Clinton.

This election is about one person and one person only. If Mango Mussolini is re-elected, it won’t be because the Dems nominated the wrong person, it will be because enough Americans (in the proper distribution of states) really wanted a return to the government of the antebellum south.


Donated to the ACLU on day one of the Hell World and have donated to progressive candidates this cycle, but buddy I ain’t giving a fucking DIME to the DNC. Ever. The corporations own it, let them pay to keep the lights on.

That’s absolutely your choice, but their ability to respond to the GOP is pretty much nil if they have no funding. And without a fucking DIME they can’t do dick.


You mean like the 100’s of such cases that have been on going for the last 5 years in state and federal courts. The multiple law suits over a citizenship question on the census. The dozens of anti-gerrymandering and voting rights ballot initiatives passed in 2018. The related flipping of control in multiple states, or capture of significant portions of state governments. Including most prominently the election of a civil rights attorney with a specialization in voting rights to the NC supreme court. The exposure of the personal files of Thomas Hoeffler, architect of GOP electoral manipulation. Within multiple ongoing lawsuits, with the direct involvement of the DNC, in carefully controlled fashion to ensure they remain admissable and available for all other cases?

Man. So much nothing going on in this issue you say you care about.


I’m gonna ask you for evidence, there, since he explicitly addressed taking Bernie’s points into consideration.
Actually, I think you are only technically right in that the platform is now moot. It’s the platform after the convention that matters.

Editing to add that it would be extremely rare for a candidate to modify his or her platform after all other contenders have dropped out. The only purpose of the platform is to highlight differences in philosophy, and without any other contenders there is no need to modify any more.


I have no problem with that, provided that:

  1. You are working locally to elect the most progressive candidates in your local area.
  2. You are meeting with your neighbors (either by holding meetings at your house or attending one of theirs) in an effort to coordinate actions on behalf of progressive candidates and causes
  3. You are attending public meetings with your locally elected representatives and writing letters (not emails) letting them know the critical importance of your causes, both from a personal as well as a political point of view.
    If those of us reading this are doing those things, then yes, screw the DNC. However, too many of us are more involved in the spectator sport of politics and liberal causes than in the doing hard, thankless work of self-governance.

Win or lose in November (and I sincerely hope that the Democratic Party wins), every progressive cause will need to be pushed at the local level.


No, absolutely not. I am a Citizent in a Democracy. I owe it to myself, my country, and fellow countrymen past present & future to vote for the candidate that best represents me. I am not a corporation, I am a human being. I need a candidate that will vote human beings best interests not the best interests of inanimate objects. You have confused elites buying your vote with elites buying my vote, my vote was never for sale.


This thread looks like it is on the way to be locked from the flagging, so may I recommend reading the guidelines?


Lets start with:

Be cool. Don’t post or encourage insulting, bullying, victim-blaming, racist, sexist, violent, or homophobic remarks.


TLDR: Please share facts with me, see bottom of my post for my response to said facts asked for…

"I’m gonna ask you for evidence, there, since he explicitly addressed taking Bernie’s points into consideration.
Actually, I think you are only technically right in that the platform is now moot. It’s the platform after the convention that matters.

Editing to add that it would be extremely rare for a candidate to modify his or her platform after all other contenders have dropped out. The only purpose of the platform is to highlight differences in philosophy, and without any other contenders there is no need to modify any more…"

Getting back to the topic (& it’s interesting to me that this topic brings out so many irrelevant, illogical comments along with spurious arguments), I’m sad about this. But I respect Elizabeth Warren for doing the right thing.