Warren endorses Biden

Look, most people here aren’t enthused about Uncle Joe being the nominee. Heck, the few who do support him and his Third Way stance are pretending they don’t because it’s obvious how out-of-touch he and the DNC establishment are and how unsustainable their business-as-usual policies are in the face of global warming and inequality.

That said, it looks like we’re stuck with him as the nominee and with a de facto duopoly party system. We also know how manifestly much more awful (read: way more than 3.12%) his opponent is, and the kind of damage he can do given a second term.

Petulant and privileged* brocialists may not grasp or care about these facts, but adults like Warren and Sanders do. I hope there will be enough voters who’ll take their cue and decide to hold their nose for Biden in November.

[* most of these man-children are white cis-het males, frequently from middle-class backgrounds]


Yes I care that they are finally flipping states back in their favor, after a decade-plus of losing over a thousand state offices.

I also cared when they changed the rules mid-election to let a billionaire buy his way onto the debate stage.

I also care when they threatened to reduce delegates for states that sought to delay their primaries in the face of a pandemic.

Now, do I care about their involvement in the lawsuit that you purport they are helping with in a “carefully controlled fashion” that resulted to the exposure of the Hoeffler documents? I do not. But mainly because that lawsuit was filed by Common Cause.

At the request of and in response to every other candidate in the field publicly demanding they do so, and with their explicit consent.

They did not.

They publicly posted the pre-existing and already agreed to rules set at the previous convention. Which already featured a deadline in early June where such would happen.

In the context of a statement about how they were working on changing that and calling for states to adopt vote by mail to side step the issue entirely and also solve the eventual general election problem.

More than one lawsuit was involved in that release. Including both federal suits filed by the Democratic house, and a law suit filed in Democrat controlled NY focused on the citizenship question. Getting that stuff out in legal fashion so it would be admissable in all cases was complex. More over Hoeffler’s daughter reached out to multiple parties with the documents including federal Democrats who were involved in coordinating the release in the background and referring her to the right peopl. And the DNC, the house and Democratic state governments have all been parties to Common Cause’s lawsuit through amicus briefs, financial and legal support. As was the ACLU, and as both have been for the DNC, Congress and State lawsuits.

There has been a slow, hard fought march through many suits, and other approaches. With many parties cooperating to start dismantling the GOP election theft machine. For years.

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Everybody is doing what they think they have to do. Hope this shit show does not backfire on us like last time.

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Every four years: Hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.
We get the garbage candidates we deserve.
When will someone deserving be on the menu?

If you’re one of the people who has lost or is likely to lose a family member due to Trump’s mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic then your life isn’t just “3.12% more bad” than it would be under a competent-but-flawed Democrat. If your basic civil rights and body autonomy hinge on who is selected for the Supreme Court then the prospect of Trump win in 2020 isn’t just a tiny bit worse than the prospect of a Biden win.

This idea that the two options before us are only marginally different needs to die in a fire.


Can anybody honestly look at the absolute dumpster fire that is the Trump administration and say “Gee, a Biden Presidency will be just as bad?”


Republicans who don’t like Trump. They see both as bad, just in different ways - Biden will destroy a bunch of stuff they like, but Trump will do stuff they like while burning the government to the ground.

Decisions, decisions…

If Creepy Uncle Joe selects an actually progressive running mate like Stacey Abrams, I’ll feel a helluva lot better about having to vote for him come November.


it’s going to be a long summer


Don’t get ahead of yourself, it’ll be a long spring.



200 more days of arguing about the Trolley Problem and who’s fault it is that we’re all tied to the tracks


I still think I’m most tired of being tied up next to Snidley Whiplash while he explains to me that he is actually on the trolly.



…are spineless bastards who still support Trump and what he does and have never once represented any kind of opposition or pushback to him. They just want to pretend they are not as covered in the bullcrap like the ardent supporters.


I thought about this quite a bit while I was out for a run today.

There is a significant difference between Biden’s policies and Trump’s white supremacist, misogynistic, homophobic, and classist policies. Even giving some leeway for sarcasm, anyone who sees only a 3.12% difference there is obviously operating from the kind of privilege that means that they aren’t going to be even inconvenienced by white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, and class warfare.

But it goes well beyond that. On top of that significant difference in policies, there is the concerted attack by the Trump administration against the structure and processes of our democracy itself. Those structures and policies are the feedback loop that forces course correction when the executive branch oversteps itself with bad policy. If Trump succeeds in dismantling those structures and processes, then he and his cronies can adopt ever more ruthless and punitive policies without any restrictions. That’s orders of magnitude worse than just the policies themselves.

Again, I can only conclude that anyone who sees Biden = 96.88%*Trump as either clueless or insulated from the harm that Trump has caused over the past 3+ years. In the latter case, please listen to someone who is impacted by those harms (cough, Michael Harriot, cough) to get their perspective rather than assume your perspective is the only one that matters.


I made the analogy before, I’ll make it again;

45 is ‘Inoperable Stage 4 Brain Cancer’ while Biden is a highly unpleasant strain of ‘Pneumonia.’


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