Watch a Fox News presenter cry because her co-hosts won't agree there are good nazis

This is all about ethics in statuary!

I don’t love famous racist rebels—I just love statues in their honor.


Maybe they should rename Fox and Friends as Fox and Fee-Fees.


Sorta like an extinction burst.

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It’s interesting. I can see a progression from a clear, sensible statement to an increasingly compressed reach for relevance in this image you’ve posted.


Sure, yeah, whatever it takes to distract from the Grand Juries.

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Tucker Carlson: the face that was punchable before punching Nazis was cool.


That toupe, though… I guess people just let him walk around looking like that, in lieu of actually punching him.


We’ll, if the right elected trump despite his ridonkulous doo…


Fair point.


If this doesn’t spawn a thousand “i came out to have a good time and i’m honestly feeling so attacked right now” posts on Tumblr, I shall be immensely disappointed.


I was just thinking yesterday that clip should yield some good gifs (hard g.)


Utterly pathetic. She needs help…and not just a little bit. Brainwashed mental midget.


Reminiscent of Tammy Faye Baker’s running mascara while Ole Jimmy turned the sob story before the money pitch.

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The parallels should actually make the ‘alt-right’ grunts trifle nervous. The brownshirts were indispensable for the early days of the operation, handled the ‘security’ and the brawling; but their populist-edging-into-socialist tendencies made the wealthy jumpy(good thing the Wall St. wing of Republicanism totally wouldn’t have the power to demand that a stop be put to that sort of thing, right?); their rivalry with the regular army made them a liability in Nazi desires to secure it’s loyalty(thankfully “Support our troops!” isn’t an essential part of American popular piety, especially on the right, no?) and their boorish, restive, volatility made their own leadership nervous(luckily ‘establishment’ republicans don’t have even slightly strained relations with ‘tea party’ and other flavors deemed uncontrollable and unreliable…)

The only missing piece is actually having been effective enough to earn a “You have outlived your usefulness” speech and some sort of theatrical villain execution-themed ‘reward’.

Doesn’t help that “white trash” is not one of America’s well loved racial/ethnic categories(typically ranked on the high end of the undesireables, which helps encourage its enthusiasm for hatred of categories even further down the totem pole; but isn’t likely to encourage merciful forbearance and warm feelings of fraternity(“The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible.”) when it comes to dealing with them if they won’t fall into line and do what their betters tell them to.

And the most enthusiastic ‘alt-right’ foot-soldiers have a lot of white trash vibe. Hardcore KKK and white power types with loads of Aryan prison ink; un and underemployed man-babies with skills mostly in shitposting and online harassment. Anyone who opposes them would be naive to ignore the fact that they also have a dangerous amount of sympathy, if not overt support, from more ‘respectable’ types; but anyone who supports them would be an idiot to assume that the respectable branch (of a movement that quite overtly valorizes contempt for the weak and one’s inferiors) is going to reward them for their service with an upgrade from ‘negative value post-industrial proles’ to some status they wouldn’t deem worthy of extermination.


Only on the plantations run by Good Masters; but survey results suggest that that, while the_possibility_ of some other kind is acknowledged as a matter of theory; 100% of slaveholders we were able to ask about fell into this category; and exercised a christianizing and civilizing influence over their devoted servants in a relationship of mutual benefit(that mysteriously still required substantial and brutal enforcement, probably because of the childish nature of the negro race; and its occasional inability to recognize its own best interests).

(edit: A Birthday Cake for George Washington; for a painfully unironic example)


So, if Bannon sticks around we should expect “The Night of the Long Knives Short Bus.”?


Think of all the people they’d have to throw under it. They’re going to need a bigger bus.


Are you quoting something there? I ask because I have to assume you didn’t interview slaveholders personally.

Or a van.


I had no idea such a thing existed. Damn. That is simply evil on wheels. Sick.