Watch a pedestrian just miss getting crushed by a collapsing building

I was given to believe that houses made of bricks were more resistant to being blown down.



I blame the easy to find COPD medications on the market.


preceded by


My first thought is Why is someone taking video of this? Unless…that person is also the one that caused the event, and waited for the pedestrian to barely clear frame for maximum drama.

Ha ha ha, no one would ever do that!

Jussie Smollett

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“Fascia Falling” or “Veneer Very Near” may have been more accurate.


And the man’s name was Flitcraft.

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I used to work in Hackney’s planning department a decade ago. Their DC enforcement team of ~3 officers had an epic backlog of illegal building work, and this is by no means the first time something has collapsed. While the borough has been steadily improving in pretty much every way (from an extreme low point in the ‘00s), I am guessing they still aren’t on top of that. And I don’t suppose massive Tory budget cuts have helped any.


Obligatory “Would you believe …

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Here’s another video from another angle and some more background on the collapse. Seemed that the current owner had hoped to demolish the site about 10 years ago. Would be curious to see what Hackney Council does to punish negligence, if anything.

bit of a hackney carriageway

You and @spetrovits: you guys are needed on the topics under the “a man missing his flight” and “a woman winning the lottery” posts.

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In other words, a hackneyed house.

aren’t we all being slowly crushed by entropy, just not all at once? or is that just me… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Looks like someone using their phone to record the screen of a computer monitor

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It could be.

It’s hard to say. Entropy ain’t what it used to be.

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