Watch: AMAZING slam poem about policing women's speech habits

A troll is a person who only visits a site in order to get into arguments, usually by expressing primarily negative commentary. It’s clear you’re aware that the articles on Boing Boing aren’t to your liking and you’ve specifically called out Boing Boing articles for that in your comments. That leads to the question - why are you here? Either you’re self-important and think the mutants need to hear your opinions or you’re looking for a fight.


So when this slam poet manufactures an ersatz non-issue topic to complain about and claim victimization over, IS there a way to disagree with her without further victimizing her? No, there is not. I think that’s at least part of the point. There is no way to disagree with her without getting sucked into the tar baby of her fictional concern. The only way to safely disagree is to just not say anything at all. Which gives her the only voice, and is, probably, the whole point of the nonsensical jive she (and so many others here) approve of.

This is the feminist version of “Women be shoppin’…”


Uh, not exactly “AMAZING”.


This is the working definition I use.


That’s it?

I wrote a perfectly lucid post criticizing the implied association of the Kochs with Nazis. Note that you don’t have to agree with what I wrote; that’s fine and I wouldn’t expect much else out of Boingboing commenters. But then “milliefink” responded, not with any kind of reasoned answer, but with a gif showing a guy saying “what?” Nothing else. That’s it.

In that context, how is my response trolling? Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say that milliefink trolled, and I dismissed it?


Of course, I see men talk over women all the time, and I myself consciously strive to Not Do That.

But “They, like, interrupt a conversation that isn’t even theirs…” implies someone who is not a participant in the conversation interposing themselves into it. The only people I maybe see doing that is addled old pensioners feeding pigeons in the park. In which case she might want to exercise her compassion a bit instead of using them as emblems of the patriarchy or whatever.

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so… a simplification is “exact”. Niiiiiice.

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Or maybe I just like debate.

In all seriousness, I like Boingboing because it consistently posts fun, interesting, thought-provoking things. If there were a site that had a similar tone and content, yet left out the clueless humanities grad-school leftism, frankly that would be great.


Well, I’m not a woman, but here you are telling me what my words meant, even after I explained to you what they meant.

By all means, I’ll explain in more detail because you don’t seem to be able to get the nuance.

The video that I watched depicted a woman talking about men who mock her, who criticize her speech, who interrupt her, who perpetrate any number of patronizing actions against her. Acting like one of them does not imply that you do absolutely everything they do.

If someone said, “You’re acting like a Nazi” it doesn’t mean that they’re accusing you of living in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s.


So maybe you might stop with the being hit on the head lessons.



OK, I’m going to let this one die. You said I was responding “exactly like the people trying … to silence her.” You have now implicitly conceded that, no, I was not. I think this is obvious to everyone without belaboring it. If you want the last word, be my guest.



So you happen to not have experienced what she’s speaking of and then criticize her of being critical of old men feeding pigeons in the park even though there’s no suggestion in her performance that suggests that those are the old white men she’s referring to? I’ve seen old white men, who aren’t old men in the park feeding birds, interrupt other people’s conversations. I’ve seen it happen at art galleries and restaurants and office meetings. Dismissing her because you haven’t experienced her experiences seems really myopic and solipsist.





I’m not denying that it ever happens, but if it’s such a normal socially-acceptable behavior, enough of a Thing to rail against, then yeah, I think I would have seen it a few times. Or ever. In my entire life.

Maybe you hang out in shittier art galleries and restaurants and office meetings than I do, I dunno. I’m pretty sure that a stranger interrupting a conversation to critique vocal tics would get his ass handed to him by any woman I’m acquainted with.


Congratulations for hanging out in a places where this doesn’t happen or where you don’t encounter people who do this or you don’t notice it being done. That doesn’t mean her stated experience isn’t valid. Different people are different and experience different things. They encounter different people who behave differently than some of the people you encounter.

Would it appease your need to criticize her experience if she’d ended with “your mileage may vary”? You can’t say “yes” to this question because that would prove her right.


Given that poetry (slam or otherwise) is basically an irrelevant dead medium in the 21st century, you have to feel for her. Perhaps she could get a local newspaper to report on her slam and have the article faxed to her friends.


Serious question - Did someone post the link to this article in some gamergate or MRA forum or do all the presumably white male commenters just show up on their own?


Her criticism is not of specific old men who are being incredibly rude to her, it is of a society that, in her perception, normalizes and accepts that behavior. The society that I live in has many flaws, but that is not one of them. Either she lives in a different society (but somehow with identical accents and dialects and mannerisms) or she’s magnifying some unacceptable outlier behavior as if it’s broadly representative.

That’s like having paranoid nonsense yelled at you by a crazy person and then writing a think piece decrying how all of America thinks it’s perfectly okay for a woman to be publically accused of working for the Hollow Earth CIA Illuminati.


OR your knowledge of the world is imperfect.

That is possible.

That would be absurd. So… who are you accusing her of working for?