i agree that’d be good turnabout. oto, those who pretend the second amendment gaurentees an individual’s right to own any and all guns has already made peace with the mass shootings, suicides, accidental deaths, and casual murders that happen on the regular.
i don’t really think they care much about life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness. they’re too wrapped up in the pursuit of power.
Dr. Fauci has been in public service for 40 years. He’s dealt with AIDS, ebola, practically every public health crisis in that time. He’s just been through year of dealing with [expletive deleted]. This is not, as the saying goes, his first rodeo. Do asshats like JIm Jordan and Rand Paul really think they’re going to intimidate this guy?
So true. Jordan is the “vicious” dog behind the fence, snapping, snarling, and ready to shread anything it sees. Until one day he finds out the gate was left open, runs away and pees himself.
He needs Fauci to hold him back… it keeps his socks dry.
A convincing argument has been made that that’s simply the nature of Republican politics now. Not in the usual, “well politics involves a certain amount of theater,” but a shift to 100% performance with no interest (much less attempt to enact) policy.
He might get more specific, as some covidiots have - freedom from the government ‘telling you what to do,’ or ‘dictating how you live your life,’ as if laws and safety regulations didn’t exist…
“Well, technically, you aren’t actually wearing yours, Mr Jordan. If you and every other idiot like you keeps not wearing them properly I’d say, yes, we will still be here in two years from now, looking at you still not wearing a mask properly.”
Simple. That’s the shape that is optimal for electing as many Republicans as possible.
As opposed to the few other districts that are optimal for keeping as many Democrats in as few districts as possible…
(Edited to add: Courts have found that the jerrymandered districts in Ohio do violate civil rights. Unfortunately, another Supreme Court case found that courts are not allowed to fix this.)
You know nothing about science.
You know nothing about medicine.
You know nothing about epidemiology.
You know nothing about pandemics.
You know nothing about quarantines.
In fact, you know nothing at all.
You sir, are an a$$.
Well, it made me feel better. Christ what an asshole of the first order.
I guess I didn’t realize just how absolutely stupid that fool actually is. It sounds like he’s blaming Fauci for the introduction and continuance of a wild vicious virus. The virus, like Jordan, just runs free until intelligent people contain and stop it. Jordon, honey, listen, it’s a goddam virus, it’s just a mindless thing that simply runs till it’s contained. It can’t read. It doesn’t know or care how much you like to babble. Like the virus, like you, butt hurt feelings can’t stop it. Only proven barriers can contain it. Your flapping lips will just serve to spread it around.
I found the extensive background of these extreme gerrymanders well explained in Slay the Dragon, a documentary about a grassroots movement to restore more rectangular districts.