The mutant menace is real!
Sweet dreams.
Those are still way less scary than a red kangaroo. Especially since I refuse to believe the bull is not 'shopped.
They really need to keep that Super Soldier Serum under lock and key.
This is so Australian, i love everything about this.
I love that movie (and comic).
… insert “only in America” trope…
That bull can’t even button it’s own shirt.
They also come in a wide variety of heights. Some of them scary.
That sums it up perfectly.
Good lord, it’s the Australian FLIPPER!
I wonder if the buff kangaroo had myotonic hypertrophy…
I know it’s probably anthropomorphizing on my part, but there’s something inherently funny about the Tigger-like bounciness of kangaroos when they’re being assholes.
Does this mean I shouldn’t expect the kangaroo that punched me to whip out a crying towel from its pouch, hand it to me, then say, “Boo frickin’ hoo”?
It probably depends on the season. You should ask your getting hit by a kangaroo instructor for conditions in your area.
Thanks. More websites for this service than I thought.
If this were the 80s, I would have said those animals look buff.
Damn! Got in late again. Must read all posts. Must! Read! All!
I think the kill-bot crazy military should rethink non-human weaponry.
I bet there was an elephant nearby egging the kangaroo on.
I wanted to go to Australia at some point, but was undecided b/c too many venomous and poisonous critters lurk there for stupid me.
Then came the pics of Roger, above.
Now I’m pretty sure I’m not going.
Sidenote: two friends of mine have been to Australia in the naughties. Working in a NP. One of their tasks was killing roos which, during a very long dry spell, would enter mudholes, get stuck and get beyond any chance of recovery. They still don’t like to talk about it much, and confessed having nightmares. I was tempted for a very short moment to show them those pics… but then, they are friends, not mortal enemies.
He roo’d the day.