Watch: Cat acts just like a dog while taking a walk with its human

Originally published at: Watch: Cat acts just like a dog while taking a walk with its human | Boing Boing


i had a cat from 1982-2000 named dinah. she never cared much for a leash but she did have one habit that was quite dog-like, she loved rides. i would get into my truck which had no air conditioner and i had the windows rolled down. she would park her forepaws up on the dash and watch the world go by then she would stick her head out the window and rest against the door letting the wind blow past her. after a while of that she would start purring. i’ve never known a cat who liked rides as much as she. she had some other odd habits as well-- she loved cantaloupe, asparagus, and corn on the cob if you would hold the ear up for her.

edited to say that dinah was a very indulged, not to say spoiled cat. she had three people who would sit there holding an ear of corn on the cob up to her so she could chow down on it–my mother, my father, and me. my sister wanted no part of that.


The shame, oh the shame…


I want my cats to go on walks with me but one is afraid of the wind and the other two won’t tolerate leashes. I didn’t get started when they were young enough.


It happens…


A friend of mine’s cat is smart enough to realize that his owner is a dog person, and has adopted many dog traits. Easily walks on a leash, and will hike calmly (no tree climbing). LOVES rides in the car, and will chitter at passersby, which delights everyone. Really loves to just chill out near his owner and meet new people. He’ll also stalk his owner, and when they play, it’s ON. Completely bonkers no-holds-barred combat. Usually there’s blood.


my family had one cat that was orphaned at an early age because his mother had crawled up into my dad’s truck engine for warmth and was killed by the fan blades when dad cranked it. one of mom and dad’s dogs was raising a litter of puppies and she adopted the kitten. when he grew up he played with the dogs and when people drove up to the house he would join in with the other dogs except where they would bark he would loudly meow. he also hiked up his hind leg and urinated on things the way a dog would.


I wish I could do this with my cat but he’s nearly two now and has never even worn a collar and is solidly an indoor cat.


That cat is having so much fun. :smile_cat:


Jesus, how big was that corn cob?



well played, sir, well played :men_wrestling:


We took in Buri at 12 with no walking experience and she turned out to be the champion walker–always at my heel and for however far–and she taught the others. I could usually count on 4 for a daytime walk around the block. Above that, the entropy coefficient is untenable.


Years ago in Boston a friend of mine lived down the street, about 1/8 mile away, and he would walk down to our place with his cat following him. The cat wouldn’t stray too far, hang out at our place or in the yard, and follow him back eventually, no leash necessary.


They hate the harness, but love the “walk.” They get a bit of attention at the park.


You, my friend, should continue to delight us with bun pics here Post your Pet or animal Pics (Part 2)



My mother had a couple adopted alley cats that she would put on leashes and take on a walk to the corner of her street. They were so well behaved trotting along beside her that she eventually left the leashes at home.
All was well and good until Fluffy crawled under a parked car and took a two-hour siesta.
Fluffy did not get to go walking for a while after that…

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I’m surprised that I’m the first to post this…

YouTube Link: Norma Tanega “Walkin’ My Cat named Dog”


More cat content via the Hindustan Times. The Times of India had better up its game if it wants to remain competitive in the cat video market.

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