Watch Dave Chappelle and the Foo Fighters cover Radiohead

Originally published at: Watch Dave Chappelle and the Foo Fighters cover Radiohead | Boing Boing


It’s cool that he went up on stage, but can’t say i enjoyed that cover.


Twas inspiring, it twas.

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My least favorite RH song, mostly for it being driven into the ground by its popularity, but I was kind of entranced watching DC show unexpected appreciation (introducing some subtle context relating to his artform, which he is a fierce defender and advocate) and breath some new life into it. What a treat.


My favorite Radiohead cover that I have found, is this one. Cee Lo Green’s vocal delivery completely changes the song’s feel, and surpasses the original, at least in my opinion.

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I prefer Dave G’s comedy over Dave C’s singing. :neutral_face:

What the hell was he doing there?
He didn’t belong there.


I’m surprised Chappelle stopped smoking long enough to sing a song.

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