Originally published at: Watch Dick Cheney say "In our nation's 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump" | Boing Boing
Is this some sort of reverse psychology?
It’s like saying Hitler believed in public schools. Sure, that may be true, but I really don’t want to agree with Hitler.
I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of people I distrust more than Dick Cheney, but Donald Trump is three or four of them.
Sounds like Cheney is now left to study just what Trump does.
Yeah, remember when you did that and were successful, dick?
I don’t think there’s a huge Cheney wing left in the Republican Party. But if it influences a few of them - I’m fine with that.
“Take it from me; I was on the list for a while.”
… surely Merrick Garland can think of something with which to charge this war-criming ghoul
… apparently it’s only a crime if it doesn’t work
Cheney is pissed, because he thought he had that title secured for himself.
I’ll take it, but this is from a guy who shot his friend in the face on a hunting trip.
… and then made him apologize for being shot
It’s a knock off. A Setson Shit Dipper.
You fucking evil, self-serving bastard!
As if you have any business throwing stones!
Messing with elections follows standard treason rules, apparently.
“Treason doth never prosper. Why? For if it prospers none dare call it treason.”
Darth Vader announces Emperor bad for Republic. Looks around for big chute to throw him down.
… Cheney’s preferred emperor was Nixon
(and somebody else threw him down that chute)
Why is he talking so fast? Why is it so poorly edited? Is this really Cheney, or ai?
I wondered about those things, too.
Another of my questions about the video was: Why is he looking up at the camera? It seemed like an odd choice, because it lessens the impact of a message (unless one is begging, or asking for pity, I suppose). Then I realized that he is after all in his 80s, and he seems to be sitting down. But you’d think the videographer would place the camera at a height that would lend the most force to his words.