WATCH: Fox News hosts say coronavirus is fake news, then change their tune

He’s learned it from Mrs. Pence. I’ll bet she gives him the gears every night for aligning himself with the Dumpster Fire Administration.

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I live in deep southern Illinois and I’m sickened by the nonstop propaganda vomited out by most TV’s blaring into public places. The most sickening part of this is the choices that are available, WSIU 91.9 out of Carbondale and other southern Illinois cities. KRCU 90.3 is available from Cape Girardeau, Mo and often Murray Kentucky 91.3 WMSU I believe. Sadly many people choose to swallow the Pablum regurgitated by the republican propaganda machine…no thought required just a willingness to have your darkest beliefs reinforced by dangerous, vicious people.

Pence is trying to emulate ‘The American Eagle’ from the Muppet Show. Trumpolinis nasal congestion is due to Adderall.

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1 minute video:


The problem with that is that we only have one reality. You can’t compare actual president trump with actual president Sanders (or Clinton 2.0) because only one of them is actually actual.

I mean, I don’t think you are wrong, but we can never actually do that comparison. Which is a communications problem.


Not quite how I understand the term socialism:

Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers’ self-management of enterprises.

The government giving $1000 haw nothing whatsoever to do with socialism, this is about sustaining capitalism: if people have nothing to lose, they might revolt.


Sure, that’s valid.

I do tend to think of ways to “get through” to conservatives I know, and it’s mostly a waste of time, but I always want to ask them to reverse the situation. Usually they stand fast, or refuse to accept the hypothetical: “Bernie would totally have screwed this up!” etc.


Just to comment on the reason why the numbers were so low in the first place:

The CDC centralised testing, and other labs didn’t ramp up their ability to test. Some minor errors added to the fact that to few tests were applied. So, the whole of the US was vastly undertested. Capacities now have been build up, so this should at least be a thing of the past.

The problem now is that the various clusters are hard to control. Hence the current predictions, which are bad news.

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We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde
Who comes on at five
She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
It’s interesting when people die
Give us dirty laundry

“Bernie would totally have screwed this up!”

Right. Exactly, and you can’t meaningfully gainsay that, because that alternate reality just doesn’t exist. You are immediately situating the conversation in a ‘my belief vs your belief’ frame.

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The closest I have ever had to a “breakthrough moment” was asking a Trumper “So. . . we’ve been living under Obamacare for about ten years now. You know anyone who went in front of a ‘death panel’?”

Response: a guilty look and a shrug to brush it off.


What were their arguments? You’re missing a great opportunity?


5002? that was yesterday.


and i agree red rectangle is a weird twitter name.


Reminds me of this classic SNL bit:



I believe it went something like this: Churchill just wanted to kill all the Nazis, and Stalin was a keen fan of this idea. However, Stalin wanted show trials, whereas Churchill just wanted them rounded up and slaughtered. The Americans wanted real trials, with the possibility of acquittals and punishments short of execution. Given the choice of summary executions or trials, Stalin ultimately sides with the American love of spectacular drama (trials) over the British love of quietly cauterizing history (death squads).


Let me add that while there is a certain joie de vivre in the idea of British antifa death squads, that’s the worst timeline for liberal democracy: the UK’s security services heading into the 1950s with an established tradition and retirement-age expertise in extrajudicial executions, and no concrete memory of the workings of nazism because Goering and Speer were dumped in a canal in September 1945.


What really makes me wonder is how Italy of all places is so heavily infected outside China.

At some point these raw numbers must mean something cultural is different to create a situation so starkly different from many others

oh you are a national treasure for sharing that

I want to put that in my landlords mailbox, right next door. Post a copy to his Gadsden flag too.

Yes @StatusQuo they are. They are so over-dramatic or creepy kiss-ass about anything Trump says or does It’s why I can’t stand watching it. This is not News it’s purely entertainment.