WATCH: Funny woman reviews "As Seen on TV" junk products

I’ve been watching her videos for what I estimate to be about 2 hours now. She is hilarious. Sippy sippy. I would con one of my friends to drive me to see her do stand up. Which says a lot for me because I hate asking people to do things.

I can drive but going to a show with my anxiety and social anxiety requires me to be fairly soused to deal with things like shows. I’m not drinking at the moment. I should perform a science experiment to see if I still if I find her videos less funny while drinking. Which would be a possibly funny reference if you watch a few of her videos.

Anyway, apparently few of us find her funny ( :frowning: ). Sadness.


While quite cutty for its time, they got nuthin’ on Michael Bay. My brother pointed out this tidbit about The Rock:

Average Shot Length = ~2.6 seconds. Median Shot Length = ~2.5 seconds. (About 2900 shots)

And Bay was proud of that.


Whoa. That’s faster than the eighty-eight!

Oh ok, I’ll admit it, I find her funny too, and have watched about 5 of her vids and counting. And damn YouTube keeps recommending them to me, and I can’t help but click them. It made me feel slightly better about it for some reason when I learned that she’s 30 years old.

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Depends what planet you’re on!

Once again, I fail to “get” “YouTube stars”. I’d actually pay not to watch this woman, to obliterate her channel from YouTube, and to erase my mind of ever seeing the few minutes I wasted on this.

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