Originally published at: Watch: Giuliani says Trump threatened Putin that he would "blow up" the Kremlin's Cathedral of the Annunciation if Russia attacked Ukraine | Boing Boing
Hearsay from an unreliable source. No need to take it seriously.
I suspect Giuliani made up this story on the spot.
Yeah. I mean, it does show Trump to be a total idiot, but one who was belligerent with Putin rather than the servile floor mat he showed himself to be.
We all know Giuliani made this story up out of whole cloth.1
We all know Trump hasn’t the faintest idea what “gold bubbles” are.
We all know there isn’t the slightest chance Trump would be able to audibly threaten Putin, with his lips so firmly attached, centipede-like, to Putin’s anus.
Ladies and gentlemen: America’s Mayor, through a glass of bourbon, darkly.
1Giuliani portraya Trump as saying he’d bomb the “gold bubbles”, with Putin acting taken aback. Then, Trump’s way of normalizing this alleged threat was to tell Putin, c’mon… he knows Putin isn’t religious. With implication being that, Putin shouldnt be so annoyed if a Moscow church were to be destroyed(?) Even as a fiction, none of Giuliani’s recounted narrative makes any sense at all. Meanwhile, Giuliani’s chucklehead crew look so ridiculous it could be a Saturday Night Live sketch.
It would have been more believable if he said ■■■■■ thought they were casinos.
And if he did, they would be his absolute favorite part of Russia. Dude loves flashy and cheap-looking buildings.
“Stupid liar says lie but it’s stupid.”
Actual, verbatim statement from Donald J. Trump when asked by a pro-Trump reporter on a blatantly pro-Trump “news” network what we should do in Ukraine. Keep in mind that Trump had several weeks to formulate some kind of policy statement in response to this softball question.
Giuliani’s statement is both insane and an obvious lie but it actually kinda-sorta implied an actual course of action, albeit a disastrous one that would be likely to escalate the conflict into WWIII.
While Giuliani is full of shit I’m sure on this, the concept of Trump wanting to go to war and use nukes or other massive display showpieces of might is not a foreign concept to him, and while he may have been seen as Putin’s lapdog, he doesn’t know what loyalty is.
I can totally see Trump starting a nuclear war with Russia (or NK, or China, or anyone, under any pretense he saw fit.)
I can totally see Trump starting a nuclear war with Russia (or NK, or China, or anyone, under any pretense he saw fit.)
Or windmills, don’t forget those windmills1.
What. The hell. Is that show? Freakin’ NewsMooks?! Is this kind of thing actually taken seriously? Here’s some trenchant geopolitical analysis by a wise guy, an enforcer, and somebody’s comare.
Remember when he suggested that NOAA should nuke hurricanes? Apparently this is a common enough stupid suggestion that it has been answered in their FAQ for 20 years, but they had never heard it from the president before.
Even the venue was stupid.
Giuliani is broke (even before the Dominion case is settled) - he would get in front of a camera for a buck fifty and the taxi fare to the nearest liquor store.
Except he idolized their “stongman” dictators. He was more likely to bomb a democracy because they were “woke” than even hint at not sucking lil’ Putie. (and by this I mean “shithole” [read brown people] democracies, because you know if you’re white/nordic etc… then you’re the right kind of social democrat!)
He wanted to be seen as “strong” but TBF he seemed to understand there were other things to consider when the cameras were off
At least when other people were making an active effort to explain to him there were other things to consider, anyways.