That is one of the pieces I had in mind when I was talking about cuts too close to assuming they don’t actually believe or want this shit.
Yeah there’s political cynicism involved. That’s the whole core of the wedge issue strategy.
But they didn’t just use abortion as an excuse to pack the Supreme Court with pro business, party before country types. They built a federal bench made up of people who are actively and actually opposed to Roe v Wade. They’ve elected, appointed, and hired anti-choice true believers. And they’ve been nickel and diming abortion access in real ways for decades.
There’s a very big difference between the GOP not really having any policy base or goals beyond this, fear of backlash and consequences. And the assertion that they prefer not to win, or didn’t really want it to happen.
I just think there are way less of these than most people assume. It’s a common cognitive bias to assume the other side is disingenuous, but when people actually study it. That’s usually not the case.
Take Moscow Mitch. The biggest soulless, principleless hack in the business.
If he was just using this to remain in power, to pass what he really wanted by the rubes. Then why did he expend all that political capital, rat fuck the constitution and all political norms, probably damage the medium term prospects of his party to build a specifically anti-abortion judiciary? It’s not like we’re talking people who are paying lip service, or willing to go along but are really pro-wall street judges or anti-immigration judges or whatever. He said the courts were most important because of Roe v Wade, and he actually built a bench and a SC on that model.
We are not watching some show law that will go unenforced right now. It’s not some simple thing proposed while there was no chance of it passing, or with a self destruct clause that would get it tossed out before it was ever enacted.
It’s carefully designed to maximally restrict access to reproductive and women’s health services, allow broad punishment of the political opposition, while skirting challenge or repeal.
It does what it says on the tin. They did the thing they told us they were gonna do. And there is no reason to believe they view the damage it’ll cause as bad in any way.