Watch Kate McKinnon’s heartbreaking SNL cold open

How was it spoiled? [seriously, curious] I thought the cliffhanger was who Negan was going to kill, not that he would kill? I dunno, though, I only take part vicariously through the internet. I bet AMC viewers didn’t think it was going to be Tyrone Biggums, though!

Or because of the Netflix delay you didn’t even know of the Negan situation? - just thought of that. I truly applaud your internet browsing restraint if so.

In the intro to the clip, Chappelle mentioned who got killed in the season opener.

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Agreed 100%. They gave Trump an episode of the show to use as a platform. You don’t get credit for critiquing someone that you created by failing to question them for real early on. That’s true whether you’re CNN or SNL.


This is a weird threadjack, and shame on me for participating…

I don’t know how it was much of a surprise or spoiler it was. Both characters had a lot of foreshadowing in the prior season. I was convinced it was Glenn, my SO was convinced it was Abraham. I’m bummed that we were both right, but that was the only real surprise.

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Yeah, that’s certainly a good option if you don’t mind paying for extra services and/or messing up with router configs just to circumvent arbitrary assholery from the content distributors that were supposed to want your page views in the first place.

I was in more of a “fine, then, screw this” mood.

What’s the matter, NBC? Still negotiating the rights for World Area 4 viewing of your friggin’ YouTube teaser? Should I wait for the SNL Cold Open Special Edition Blu-Ray coming out in three months? Good call, that’s one guaranteed purchase right there.

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