To be fair, the Beirut explosion did a LOT more than two blocks. But the difference between his toolbox and the Beirut warehouse is several orders of magnitude.
Ten seconds until trump calls him a pussy.
Thank heavens!
But also…”bomb threat suspect”??? Is there really any doubt?
Maybe I’ve spent far too much time in the stacks of college libraries (and the actual LoC), but I find it much easier to memorize two letters than the first two digits of a Dewey Decimal number.
White male taken into custody: police chief starts listing potential reasons like recent death in the family.
Anyone else: police chief notes that the BLM antifa pastafarian eats babies for breakfast.
Bomb threats aren’t excusable, and people who perform them go to court to explain why they’ve done what they’ve done. This apologist stance for white males by the police continues to be terrible.
No, but everyone deserves their day in court, no matter how despicable they may be.
Totally agreed. It just seems weird to call someone a suspect when they filmed themself doing the thing and we all saw it. I guess it’s that the fact that he made a bomb threat isn’t in any doubt. The crux of rule of law is more about determining whether it was a criminal act that can be prosecuted. Seems a more accurate headline would be something like, “man who filmed himself making bomb threats in DC arrested, trial pending.”
Totally pedantic, I know. Don’t mean to derail. That phrasing always raises my hackles, though.
Assuming that he made a real bomb out of fertilizer, I’m gonna speculate that one that size would be just about enough to wreck his vehicle. The Oklahoma City bomb was a Ryder cube truck full, and while devastating it was well short of two blocks worth.
As far as I can tell, that caucus only has two members: Manchin and Sinema.
Taken into custody, because white man. Non-white man would currently be under a tarp on the sidewalk.
I think this may be dependent on how you mean “leveled.” Looking at NASA shots of the Beirut blast area, there are clearly large buildings still standing a few hundred meters from the blast site. Assuming a city block is roughly 200 meters square, we’d be in the same order of magnitude. Beirut was 3000 tonnes. Oklahoma City was two tonnes and didn’t even level the Murrah building (but did destroy some others nearby). At this point we’re clearly into quibble country but safely in agreement that the toolbox wasn’t going to level two blocks except in LegoLand.
And he faked the bomb, but the qnut/white domestic terror is real.
“I want some real, homegrown, AMERICAN dollar bills. All these say 3N0 on them. What kinda antifa money is this anyway???”
Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., issued a statement in which he said he understood “citizenry anger directed at dictatorial Socialism.” (from the linked article)
“dictatorial Socialism”[sic]
dafuq is that? goddamn fascist muthafuKKKas need to STFU.
Yeah, I find myself just shaking my head thinking, “you also had the option just to STFU for a bit…” like, saying nothing would be better than saying this.
I’m glad it wasn’t a real bombing, but this is not going to disappear, and folks like Mo are only stoking it.
Am I a bad person for being a tad disappointed that someone didn’t just call his bluff and tell him to set the thing off from his lap? (or is that what happened, and it just failed to go boom?) As others have pointed out, the supposed “bomb” could take out his truck… but was not big enough to do much else.
Maybe not “bad,” but probably unsuited for public safety positions.
If you’re responsible for public safety, you always have to imagine what would happen if the threat was real. And react accordingly. As un-fun as that often is.
Only if they have a lex change.
I’ll get my coat…