Watch MAGA candidate Bernie Moreno's tough-guy act evaporate instantly

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Well, if the EPA didn’t know about that car before they sure do now!


If he were a smart coward, he would have said something along the lines of, “I said tough questions! I’m not here for softball practice.”

And then just repeat no matter what question they asked.


“I meant tough questions about BIDEN, not about my own positions!”


Even on my best days in our high school marching band I couldn’t do an instant 180 degree pivot like that.


What do you expect from a used car salesman? (That’s literally the career he’s coming out of.)

What’s funny about this stunt is, here in actual Ohio he’s been MIA since the primary. Brown has a steady stream of new commercials running in practically every ad break. The only Moreno ads we see, if you even want to call them that, are super PAC ads telling us to call Brown about why he’s not rounding up “illegals” or some such. At least that’s the case in Columbus.


The fact that the video is taken with him standing in front of the women’s room as he says this is delicious irony.


You can probably bring the car in just fine but can’t register it for driving on public streets. So it would only be legal on a race track.

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What’s funny to me is that even his pivot is a lie. Ronald Reagan’s mental fitness was definitely in question at the end of his administration … or doesn’t this goofball consider that “modern times?”

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If Felon 45 gets his way, the EPA will be disbanded, so maybe Bernie’s just holding on.
READ PROJECT 2025 if you haven’t. It’s a nightmare and horrifying to think a group of white men want that much power.

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Apropos of nothing.
Bony Maronie?

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