Watch Miley Cyrus belt out Temple of the Dog's "Say Hello 2 Heaven" at Chris Cornell tribute

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Um, yeah, touched in my feels.
Riggly says; “goodbye everybody, it’s been good.”


Wait, this was last night? Damn.
Loved it, great rendition.


That was really good.

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Makes up for her less than 100% rendition of The Bitch is Back on the tribute release Restoration: The Songs of Elton John and Bernie Taupin That songs rocks and I really wanted to hear kick out it of the park.

Sorry to hear about her home getting burned.

Cue 30-year-old heads exploding. Was it only ten years ago she was the idol of tween girls and therefore universally despised?


Do 30 year olds even know who Chris Cornell was?


Well duh. Founder of Cornell University.


IMHO, she’s still peak White Feminist, and gets no love from me. I feel that deep down, she’s always only here for the likes.


Don’t get me started on that whole cultural appropriation kick she was on…

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The material makes all the difference. If someone would like to record an album full of grunge covers by Miley Cyrus, you would now have my attention.


That voice.


Superunknown would have hit when they were in elementary school. His solo stuff would have hit in middle school and Audioslave was basically high school. I wager any rock fan of that age, even if they didn’t look at anything released before their era, would be very familiar with him.

Yeah, but she killed it. You don’t have to like her but damn that was good!

Oh yeah! Bring it home Hannah Montana!!! Look… I dont care what anybody says about Myley, she flippin rocked the sh!t out of that! Any inspiring musicians want to know how to rock? That’s how you do it… pure passion!! Love it Miley!!! Rock on baby!!!

Over the last couple of days, more videos of this concert have hit youtube, how the hell did I now know about this? I would have loved to go!

I’ve never been a fan of her music, and she certainly went through an insufferable period as a young adult, but we all do.

Part of adolescence involves pushing boundaries and figuring out who you are. When you’ve been rich and famous your entire life, boundaries can be hard to find.

All this is to say, that she seems to be in the process of becoming a surprisingly likable person. I’ve seen her do a couple of performances and interviews over the past year or so. She seems smart, well thought out, and grounded. Couple that with a grade A voice and she might make an interesting adult career for herself.

Personally. I think she’s avoiding accountability in a major way, due to white (and celebrity) privilege.

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Also, she was a real dick to Shuhuda Davitt (Sinead O’Conner) over mental health that she has been struggling with for a long ass time.

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“Sexy” excuses a lot of misbehavior in US culture…

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All too true, sadly.

But not TOO sexy of course!

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