I hope the film will shoot tiny jumps with repeated footage from different low angles in slow motion to maximize screen time for those stunt dollars spent. (And because you’ll probably only get one jump before that Tesla monstrosity bottoms out and shorts a battery…)
I guess I’m the only one that thought it looked like a LandMaster from Damnation Alley.
https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwi4-reI6v7lAhXlN30KHeUPD40QjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F829788300064662108%2F&psig=AOvVaw0HH4p7WY-F8bHEt4TXT8TW&ust=1574546802419144From a thrown metal ball. Put some firepower behind that and let’s see what happens.
Is this a joke? I mean, that can’t be a serious product, surely.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo.
Corollary: Unrehearsed demos will not go as expected and fail hilariously.
All very much inspired by real early '80s designs, e.g. the Sebring-Vanguard Comuta-Car, Citroen’s Karin concept car, etc. But the movie versions usually tried to add some complexity of form and detail that doesn’t exist in this. It’s like someone did a quick mock-up of a vehicle and ran out of time…
I’d say it looks pretty awesome, because it looks like a prop from a bad futuristic’80s movie.
That’s not how it’s supposed to work at all. Front windshields already do that. Even Musk was shocked. So it wasn’t what he expected either.
Too bad they didn’t have a robot arm pop out and crack him across the face. That would be a killer feature!
Well, this is a classic case of To Hit Armor Glass 0… 0 as in non-existent =D
This was my first thought when I saw it.
Wowzers! I remember I used to love Roger Zelazny when I was a kid and how betrayed I felt when that movie came out. I’m all better now.
I LOVE this truck. I currently drive a Subaru Baja, so I may have questionable taste, but this is going to be my next truck.
A lot of people have compared it to cars in late 1990s video games that were made up of obvious polygons rather than curves.
Makes me think of a car slapped together out of sheet metal where all the fabricators had was a press brake :-/
I know someone who can test it.
The cockroaches scene haunts me to this day…
It looks like it was designed with CAD on a Commodore 64. I wonder if the next version will feature more polygons.
I think that Elon shows a lack of confidence in his new product.