Watch the full, uncut Trump interview with Axios and Jonathan Swan [VIDEO]

This interview proves Trump is America’s Whoopee Cushion. His defensive hand gesture is just the lips opening and closing as it releases artificial flatulence.

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The only emotion recognition chart we need for 2020.


I came here to say either this, or, he’s such a disgusting pig.

Oh, and then there’s…



Game of Thrones, Sopranos, either works for Trump.

Although, a GoT-type sequence with parts of his wall going up, and then falling over would be good.

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A year or so ago, there was an Axios interview in which, if the press is supposed to have some kind of adversarial relationship with The Powers That Be, was rather non-adversarial, if not obsequious. Now I don’t even remember what happened in said interview, nor whether it was actually with Trump himself. I have a vague recollection it may have been with Sarah H. Sanders or Omarosa. I do remember two things:

  1. that it was the first time I’d even heard of Axios*, and
  2. whatever had happened during the interview, made me wonder, like I do about Twitter, about its value-add for humanity.

*Until a few seconds ago I didn’t know that it’s also a website.

ETA: My point was, maybe they figured lightning would strike twice.


Trump cannot grasp the simple relationship between numbers of cases and deaths per case. To paraphrase:

  1. We are doing too many tests; that’s why we have so many cases!!!
  2. We have far fewer deaths per case than anyone else!!!

He completely misses the connection between those thoughts: if he had his way, and we did fewer tests, we’d have more deaths per case.


USA should be doing well on deaths per case because they have one of the world’s best health care systems.

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So why does the US have so many deaths per capita?

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Dear God,may we never have a president this bone-licking stupid again? And could he just die, or have another stroke and retire?


Has there been any indication that Trump realizes that he didn’t hit this interview out of the park?


Because they have done a bad job of preventing the creation of new cases by using barrier methods, etc.


…if you’re obscenely wealthy, that is.

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