Watch this guy calmly eat his kebabs while a raucous fight erupts around him

I didn’t realize Ken is a Turkish name.

Little known factoid - Portsmouth (being a navy town, historically - well it still is, but it used to be pretty much nothing BUT a navy town - sorry, city) once had the highest density of pubs, of any city in the UK.

(No citation, because there was no citation when the factoid was presented to me!) :wink:

Hold my cachaça:

From the headlines:

Man announces robbery, but his threats were ignored and then gives up crime in Minas Gerais State.

The unusual crime scene was captured by security cameras.

There is even a guy drinking because priorities.


Why is the sword so floppy?

That’s what she said.


Most martial arts swords have some bit of flop to them simply b/c they’re long and narrow. But, this particular type is mostly used for show. The floppiness will make a big sound when given a good thrust, so it’s supposed to impress the audience…or so goes the theory anyway.


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