Watch this insane car vs. motorcycle road rage video

Is Florida is a state where you can suddenly be in a life threatening situation because you made eye contact the wrong way walking down the street?

Texas was like that. Insane.

I once drove through a Wendy’s drive thru at 30 to lose some guys who jumped out of their car and rushed me at an intersection. No provocation on my part. I mouthed the word what and shrugged as some people staring at me. I had a nice car.

Once someone followed me for a couple of miles because I honked as they didn’t check their blind spot before trying to change lanes and I didn’t want them to hit me. I got out of that by pulling into a giant empty parking lot in some business megacomplex that was closed, and played chicken with the guy.

True, but lane-splitting effectively gives you more roadway - instead of occupying space in the middle of a pack that cars could be occupying a lane-splitting rider pulls out ahead into otherwise empty road space. How does that not improve traffic flow?

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Sounds a lot like this

“Counsel, please approach the bench. This is a tough one”
“Well, yeah, he did look at him crossways

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