Watch this powerful short film about the awful things men say to Asian-American women in bars

I had to give myself a hug after that viewing.


I was going to go for skipping the watching because I find there is a limit on infuriating content per day for me to still function. Thanks for watching in my stead.


You are certainly welcome. I am reminded of why I never want to work in a bar/cafe/restaurant ever again, let alone my own PTSD from that unfortunate time in my life.

P.S. I want to point out that if you want to measure a persons integrity/honor/humanity or lack there of, go to a food & beverage establishment and watch how they behave towards the help / others / people while/after food & drinks are ordered. What you see, that’s who they really are.


Also pay attention to how they regard/treat helpless animals.


Look Here Agree GIF by Digital Nomad Kit


Oh how awesome, and a red head to boot. Such a nice gift & a lift to my day. Mucho gracias mi amiga!


That’s not where my mind was, actually. I was thinking of all those teachers who send girls home for dress code “violations” because “they distract the boys,” or those who think that girls should dance with any boy who wants to so “the boys don’t feel left out.” We do have a racism and misogyny problem, and there are countless news articles about teachers perpetuating it.


The really depressing part was the realization that she probably didn’t have to wait too long to gather these recordings. Like, a few outings with her phone at the ready was probably enough to get these, based on what I hear from women of East Asian descent.

It’s such a ubiquitous cultural message - it’d be interesting (and depressing) to see how many Hollywood movies have that as a fairly explicit theme. If you looked back at, say, the teen movies of the '80s and '90s, it’d probably be all of them.


Not just teen movies.

Go rewatch the Sandlot ( a film I actually like) and check out the boys’ disturbing fixation on Wendy Peffercorn and the fantasy ‘happy ending’ that Squintz has with her in the epilogue.


Yeah, the only reason why it wouldn’t be ubiquitous in all Hollywood movies (at least of a certain age - some modern movies do better) is simply because not all the plots allow for it, for roughly the same reason that Alien passes the Bechdel test.


For a wonderful related book, check out Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu. I live in Taichung, Taiwan, not far from where his parents come from, actually met his dad after his mum found my old book review blog where I covered his wonderful How To Live Safely In A Science Fictional Universe. In Interior Chinatown he talks about the experience of growing up Asian-American in a country which has no idea what to do with you and where you struggle to reconcile two separate identities. Reading it over here somehow made the gut-punches he delivers hit that little harder.


But the original post you were replying to (we both were) was about teaching etiquette and “better flirting”, which is a bullshit answer to the actual problem being illustrated in the video… :woman_shrugging:

And you are correct we do have a racism and misogyny problem in many schools. Which is what I’ve said in several posts now.


This isn’t flirting. This is probing to figure out how submissive someone is at best, and harassment at worst.


You are correct. I kind of wish I hadn’t bothered being facetious in the moment, at least there’s clarity on the problem of racism and misogyny in society.

Is there, though?

So many dudes still don’t seem to get it… like those right here on this very thread who claim that the harassment documented in the film is “flirting.”



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