Watch: Trump says the Covid vaccines he "came up with" are "all very, very good"

Perhaps the Kicking Horse of Ivermectin Horse Sense will return to give Trump a kicking.


Remember that “Deutschland” as we know it today (give or take) has only been around for 150 years. Before that there was a millennium’s worth of a mixed tapestry of states of varying sizes, different traditions and religions, and – certainly at the extreme ends – mutually unintelligible dialects. And, of course, warfare. The concept that, deep down, they were all “German” probably did more to unite them at the time than it did to exclude “non-Germans”. (And the real history behind this is, of course, more complicated than one paragraph can contain.)

You could probably look at any country on Earth, no matter the etymology of its name, and find some people who believe very strongly that some other people who live there shouldn’t in fact be allowed to live there. That doesn’t say a lot about how most people in that country feel, and certainly here in Germany people, on the whole, don’t appear to have a huge problem with other Germans, their parents, or their grandparents having moved here from Turkey or loads of other places. Xenophobic parties such as the AfD seem to receive around 10% of the federal vote (more in some places, less in others), and that is certainly a matter of concern but OTOH, it means that 90% of voters don’t feel strongly enough about this issue to make it the main driver of their political decisions, which is not a bad thing.


Trump isn’t pro- or anti-vaccine. He’s pro-Trump. When it suits his needs and his ego, he’s for people getting vaccinated. When he’s not, he’s not.

Trump is so pro-Trump that he thought he could make Covid go away by saying it was a hoax. He is so pro-Trump he tried recommending “cures” like hydroquinone and shining a light inside the body.

And this isn’t the only time he presented himself as some sort of magical shaman that can make things go his way by means of the THINK system from The Music Man. Remember how he had this amazing plan to conquer ISIS that was better than anything the generals had? Or how he was going to lock up Hillary Clinton for…um…crimes? Or how he was going to win an election he lost? Or how he won in 2016 by a landslide, even though he lost the popular vote?

Trying to figure out if Trump is pro- or anti-vax is like trying to figure out if water is good or evil. It’s good when you can drink it, and it’s bad if you’re drowning in it.


Or, say, November 2024. About 1,365,000.

Yeah, I should probably change my avatar at this point.

OK. One. Last. Time.


I think it’s just that he got accidentally pwned by his own “ally” O’Reilly. Neither of then were thinking ahead. “Thanks Bill.”

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