To be fair, the metric system is French.
The ranting and hatemongering are the face of fascism; this is its beating heart.
I feel like I’ve spent my entire life being told that I’m an asshole for being angered by sentimental drivel like this, when it’s so uplifting and nice and don’t I like nice things? What’s wrong with focusing on the things that bring “us” all together, like our pure white skin and our soaring mountains of skulls? Why must I be so hateful?
There literally isn’t a word for how knowingly, repulsively insidious this is. It’s not kooky or sentimental, it’s nakedly evil.
This is all performative–he’s an extremely rich person who has been so for a long time, and I’d wager that if one could come up with a scientific test to figure out exactly how globalist a human being actually is, Carlson would rate in the 99th percentile.
Like most of his ilk, I suspect that he has spent significant time drinking Perrier-Jouët in a Swiss chalet, boating on Lake Como, and has an opinion about whether the scallops at Per Se or Le Bernardin are better.
Ahh, the softer side of western chauvinism.
“Watch Tucker Carlson’s bizarre Friday the 13th monologue about Patriotic Optimism”
Or yachting on Lake Geneva?
I find it ironic that a lot of Christians talk about “personal responsibility” when talking to/about others, but when it comes time for them to do something to change themselves/ the world for the better, it’s all “Satan made me do” this and “God’s Will” that.
Young Mr. Swanson lies by implication even more often than with explicit falsehoods
Here he claims to be speaking for a majority, despite recent events
simultaneously claiming, with the same words, to be too humble to believe anything ridiculous like “I control the universe,” but in the same moment implying “of course I know Who does, and by coincidence He happens to agree with me about everything”
He really has a face that just cries out for being punched.
I’m not actually going to watch this, but is it possible he caught an episode of “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea” by Ken Burns, and ALSO got Stage 4 cancer results on the same day?
Probably not. I bet he thinks that Ken Burns’ version of US history is wild-eyed communism…
He’s just an asshole trying to not look like an asshole.
I thought it was the Stonecutters that keeps us from using the Metric System.
Tucker’s monologue sounds like something that would be said in V is for Vendetta if the plot was placed here in the U.S. instead.
‘America is a stunning country. Yes, Switzerland has the Alps and Zimbabwe has Victoria Falls. But multiply that by an entire continent and you’ve got what we have in America’
Is someone going to break it to Tucker that the US isn’t even half of the continent of North America?
And failing at it. Spectacular.
If you want asshole spectacle, Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson is your go to guy…
Money is so wasted on the rich.
And failing.
… Nah.
Mostly white meat
Do I want to know what the rest of it is?