Watch White House Coronavirus official Dr. Birx suck up to Dear Leader obsequiously

But he’s been failing for most of his adult life and he was elected despite how appallingly and tragically obvious that was.


placate Trump because he has a hissy fit if you don’t? that’s not much of an argument.

you point out his error and get fired. then you point out why you were fired. rinse repeat. that’s for the good of the country and the world. when he has the largest number of fired employees of any president we’ll at least know that there were Americans unwilling to tow the line of someone this monumentally incorrect.

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Trump is a woman now? he’s the one that interupted to ask a question. thats the only thing in question.

Appeasement can be strategic, not simply self-protective in the moment.
Birx is not stupid, and her rhetoric has become increasingly ‘appeasing’ (at least in public), and I assume that it is to protect others.

Spoiler alert: This won’t work.

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