What in the world is Joe Biden going on about in this video?

It totally is.


I don’t know about official date delineations, but Trump dodged the draft for Vietnam, which makes him culturally a baby boomer at least.


This is the ‘debate’ most Americans have wanted to see, old men beating the shit out of each other.

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Lol they see crazier shit on tv every day.

As far as Biden not knowing his audience, well, I said that already.

Likewise for Biden. Five student deferments, followed by a medical disqualification for asthma…which seems rather unusual for someone who was a noted student athlete.


OTOH, in both cases, the refusal to murder Vietnamese was one of the rare moments in their lives when they did something that was ethically correct.


It’s technically possible to be athletic and asthmatic. I operated a pedicab for a few years and my asthma is quite serious, aided by medication.


Today, yes. In the early 1960’s?

It’s also technically possible for bone spurs to be real.

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Dear Mr. Mark Frauenfelder of Boing Boing:

This video of Joe Biden tellin his “Corn Pop” story is from a dedication ceremony held in June 2017. This is the second time it is being shown at Boing Boing. It’s been selectively cut, by someone. You can find a longer part of it at

Also, I see Daniel Dale is re-posting the obit of Corn Pop again, Good! Some people want to tell you this is a made up story. If you view the longer clip, you see that three people speaking at the ceremony tell the “Corn Pop” story. When Joe tells it, it’s the fourth time, and he adds some strange stuff in. You hear the audience laughing because this is what they want, OK? Ol’ Joe is off in the weeds again!

Oh-and, at the end there’s a clip from another event tacked on where Jill Biden is speaking. I don’t know if it’s obvious to everyone that this is from another event, but it’s not June in Delaware. Jill has on a coat and scarf. This was a re-posted from someone else, so that person may have added on the second clip. I guess the point of the second clip is that people don’t want Joe Biden as president because he always tells these meandering stories. How could we put up with that?

I should probably bring up that Joe Biden is not my preferred candidate. I don’t like his strategy on Health Care, and I’m completely opposed to including nuclear power plants in our nation’s energy policy of alternative fuels. But if Joe Biden makes an amazing comeback in South Carolina and beyond, and becomes the candidate, I will vote for him.

But seriously, no third time, please, telling us that we can’t possibly want to elect a guy who tells stories that end up out in the tulies. We’ve reached the stage of our national decline where the current administration wants to haul the previous administration in for a show trial, either here or by proxy in a foreign country, and you want to criticize Joe Biden because he tells rambling stories? Really?



I’m not trying to justify, only clarify.

From my own experience and information gleaned from doctors, asthma kind of runs along an x-y axis, x being bronchial spasms, y being mucus production.
I’m hardly x, but heavily y, so spasm sufferers were probably okay from '66 on, but I would have been truly fucked.

Anyway, I think it’s safe to assume that the military would accept zero risk in any case.


Also, asthma symptoms often decrease after puberty. In some children, their breathing apparatus compensates such that they gain higher VO2 capacity as adults if their asthma abates in conjunction with increased activity levels. However, the symptoms may reoccur later in adulthood or when under stress.


I was down with pneumonia for a week in an oxygen tent as a kid, but my asthma didn’t really develop until my early twenties…:man_shrugging:


That would be one hell of a campaign slogan.

“Not much more weird than the other guy.”


He’s going on about Joe Biden. Duh.


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