What is the worst Christmas song?

“It’s A Small World After All,” obviously. It fails to be good on its own merits, plus it also fails at being a Christmas song.

The Little Drummer Boy, it lasts for fucking ever


You guys are all wrong. By far the worst Christmas song – the worst song, period – is Christmas Wrapping by the Waitresses.

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Of the more “traditional carols”, this is my least favourite. I loathed being forced to sing it in elementary school choirs.

Bing Crosby and David Bowie’s mismatched duet of the song is probably the worst thing either artist has ever produced, easily.


It´s really hard to choose one, I hate them all so very much.


Are you aware of this version?:


Dominic the Christmas Donkey is the WORST WORST WORST. I had to hear it multiple times over the past few days (along with tons of other Xmas songs) and there is no question – it’s the worst.

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Same with me. Maybe it took a long time to take off in the US?

I’m with Patton. This is not only the worst Christmas song in the world, it is the worst song in the world.

Well sure, i’d agree when talking about the original cheesecake version but others have done it justice…

No question whatsoever. “Wonderful Christmastime” by Sir Paul McCartney. No others need apply. Ever.


Lots of great contenders so far, but few are nearly as bad as “The Christmas Shoes”

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By “worst,” I’m assuming y’all mean “best.” Because that would be Jason And The Strap-Tones.

“In the Bleak Midwinter” has always bugged me. It doesn’t “snow on snow on snow” very often in Bethlehem. Once in a while. http://www.travelujah.com/blogs/entry/Let-it-snow-let-it-snow-in-Bethlehem-

Mostly it’s sunny and pleasant in Winter. I would think British people would give their left testament to spend Winters there.

Cats make everything better - even Christmas songs!

When above, I wrote ‘at least twice’, I realise now I was wrong. So wrong…


blasphemer! burn the heretic!!

Probably my most hated is “Wonderful Christmas Time,” it inspires in me “want to punch everything.”

There is one Christmas song that does provoke fond memories, though:

(A note to the younger readers, this was produced long before Sept 11th, 2001, and after it’s gotten a special awkwardness, but still makes me smile)


The Little Fucking Drummer Boy ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum.

Whaddaya mean you got no gift to bring? You have a drum, don’t you? Give him your damn drum and put us out of our misery. I just got that noise out of my head from last year and now here it is again.