What it's like to be a woman reporter on a cryptocurrency cruise where nearly all the other women are sex-workers

I strongly disagree, and proffer that people that make other people earn their sympathy or forgiveness don’t really understand either.

I’m not talking about Penny or her subjects. Penny seems like a lovely sympathetic and forgiving person. I wouldn’t describe her as unsympathetic or unforgiving and frame that as a “quality” which was my point. Lacking those things are markers of serious psychological disorders.

To be honest I don’t think I’d have done as well as she managed to do, even thinking about it has me at my limit. She’s a saint for not sinking the whole ship and sailing off on a lifeboat. lol.


Stay well away from Tijuana.


No, it doesn’t; someone should kill that myth, STAT.

It just makes you stink.

I’m staying away from all our borders until I’m ready to “LANCB.”


We’ll have to agree to disagree on that, at least as to personal approach. I’m not a turn-the-other-cheek type. Empathy alone takes me a long way.

My mistake. I thought that’s what we were discussing in regard to Cory’s assessment. I would agree with you that she’s a generally sympathetic and forgiving person when dealing with better-adjusted individuals than her subjects.


Which is ironic, considering the overlap between people who wear patchouli and people who believe in homeopathy.


ROFL they usually have so much on I wouldn’t be able to tell you one way or the other - I go in a different direction (upwind).


fair enough. from what I know of you on here you are a solid person i respect. i am not a turn the other cheek or lay down kind of guy either. but i do feel that true forgiveness and sympathy can’t be based on being earned by the person. you don’t have to let someone off the hook to sympathize with them or forgive them, they can still be held responsible.

empathy is just feeling what they are feeling, caring for the person having the feelings is the other one.

I am talking about Cory’s assessment, i don’t think it actually applies to her and that was my whole point pretty much. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i think sympathy and forgiveness are good qualities.

i’ve had people in my life who could never earn forgiveness for what they did, and would never choose too, and if i didn’t forgive, i’d still be carrying the weight of their actions much more heavily. my personal meanings are likely just a different framing and words…my path to forgiving them was sympathy for what they experienced to shape them into what they became. c’est la vie.


Likewise, sir.


Wise man.

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At least I now know what a Hans Wegner wing chair looks like.

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I am sad because we have passed our Cryptonomicon moment. What cryptocurrency needs is that pile of gold in the ocean near the Philippines. Looks like data alone won’t make a currency.


OK, I’ll take the bait. “And how,” one might well ask, “would the existence of a pile of gold at the bottom of the ocean make BitCoin work any better?”


The whole problem is stability and real, convertible value. The US dollar may not have gold behind it any more but it does have the US (and more generally) world economy. Bitcoin doesn’t have that. Its value has always been determined by speculation.


So there would have to be an institution attached to the pile of gold that would hand people bags of precious metal any time they happen to show up wanting to trade in their crypto?

I mean, I could create a cryptocoin and tell people it’s backed by all the oil at the bottom of the Arctic sea, but if I can’t actually deliver any oil on demand that’s just called fraud.


Yes I guess there would have to be an institution. In The moon is a harsh mistress is was the bank of Hong Kong. I guess our dream of a fully distributed currency is gone for now. Bootstraping it was too risky, but it could be forked from an established currency.

Two points were made towards the end of Cryptonomicon. The pile of gold in the jungle showed that something valuable can have no real value at all. Gold is only perceived as valuable. The gold in the ocean was only useful once it had been transported to Borneo. At that point, offers could be made to trade gold for currency, which establishes a value, even if it would hardly ever happen.


In Germany, goths wear patchouli too, but the official reason is that it ‘smells like gravedust’. One wonders whether this, too, is a committed yet convoluted drag on hippies.

The closest I’ve got to a fundamental value for Bitcoin is ‘the value, at the current time, of transacting in a way not mediated by banks or states’. Now banks are massively in on it so that side has gone, and even if the value of avoiding government involvement exists, the cost of transacting in Bitcoin is sky high due to speculation now so it has lost that benefit.

Bitcoin and crypto generally, demonstrates in a particularly pure form why the financial markets are a load of bollocks.


Yes, but the important part is that between creating a cryptocoin, and being called a fraudster, you have a window of time when you can can make loads of money from people who should have been thinking more critically, and then leg it with the cash.
At least that seems to be the average successful bitcoin business model that I’ve seen.


I like it, too, and my wife loves it. But most of the rest of the world hates it, so we only smell it when we pass the shop that sells incense and related products.

Wearing patchouli was de rigueur for UK goths in the 1980s and 1990s too. Not so much now, though.

I like it, but I suspect it’s really because it triggers nostalgia for my youth.

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