What the Terminator says instead of "Hasta La Vista, baby" in the Spanish version of Terminator 2

Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/04/25/what-the-terminator-says-inste.html




It works!


That’s a different Spanish dub than what i grew up hearing. Granted it’s been like 20 years since i last saw the movie but i definitely know that isn’t Arnold’s usual Spanish dub voice actor.

Anyway, i didn’t specifically recall what the line was in spanish but i almost want to say it was still Hasta La Vista, Baby but i could be wrong.


I was just wondering to myself the other day what language Dora the Explorer might speak as a second language if we switched it over to French language. Arabic?


Good question.

Obvious answer is English, and it is. It looks like most countrries has English be the second language.

Spanish – There are different Spanish language versions for Mexico, Latin America, and Spain. Dora la Exploradora broadcasts on Nickelodeon in Latin America (and up to September 2006 on Telemundo in the USA; from April 2008 on Univisión). Dora and Boots (called Botas) speak Spanish and the other protagonists speak and answer in English. Some Spanish episodes are available to US viewers on VHS, and some DVDs have a Spanish track (including Dora’s Egg Hunt). This version is entirely the reverse of the original English version; Tico and Señor Tucan (called Mr. Toucan) only speak English. Additionally, Univision has added on-screen captions of the Spanish words spoken in English. In Spain, Dora la exploradora is aired on TVE 1, Clan TVE and Nickelodeon. It is another reverse of the original English version (the characters speak mainly Spanish but there are commands and expressions in English).

Wiki has a list - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dora_the_Explorer#Foreign_adaptations


I was on a bus in Ecuador, and watched a Spanish dub of Gladiator. I’d seen it several times, as I actually really liked it (disclaimer: I was a senior in high school when it came out…). I thought I’d burned out on it though, but the dub was so damn good, it made me enjoy it all over again.

That’s interesting to learn that dubs for certain actors are consistent over time. It makes sense, but I’d never really thought about it. Are the voice actors for big stars known for other acting roles, or are they usually strictly voice over artists?


I really don’t know to be honest. Never seen a spanish voice actor on tv doing an interview, or acting, etc. Voice actors in general like to stay busy so i would imagine some are bound to do some tv/acting gigs.

The dubs for actors are definitely pretty consistent, so it throws me off when i hear a different voice actor having a go at it (there’s generally different spanish dubs depending on the region. Spain, Mexico, a standard spanish dub, etc).

And yeah, there’s something kind of amusing about watching a shitty movie in spanish. Makes it kinda worth it.

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For all the stereotypes about Americans being big and loud, strangely, I feel like a lot of American action actors/directors lack the ability to just fucking go for it the way Spanish genre actors do, when it’s called for. I feel like the same thing makes English dubs of Anime unwatchable, the emotions just aren’t as raw and melodramatic. I could try to speculate on reasons, like the differences in the histories of their dramatic traditions, but I’d be stepping way out of my depth.


Oh man, anime dubs in spanish are pretty great. I think the quality of the dubs aren’t always good, but i’ve never found it unwatchable in the same way the bad english dubs are.


Most of the Italian dubs are better acted than the original actors. It’s confusing as hell to watch CSI over there.


Yeah, no I may not have expressed it explicitly enough, but the Spanish dub of Gladiator was unquestionably superior to the original.


It’s totally the Spanish dub, Constantino Romero, a great voice actor who also voiced James Earl Jones, Roger Moore, and William Shatner. He passed away in 2013.

He was a great voice actor. I have to note that Spain’s voice acting school comes directly from the theatrical acting school and thus gives an special emphasis on acting over strictly sticking to the text.


God dammed YES.


I meant usual spanish dub as in the one that’s usually broadcast in latin america. Typically we get different voice actors, but on the odd broadcast they will sometimes air ones done in Spain.

And definitely spanish dubs do emphasize good delivery and emotion, they don’t really care too much if the actor’s lips aren’t perfectly synched to what you’re hearing. That’s something that english dubs often fail at, they end up having really forced deliveries because they’re trying to synch up the dialogue as close as possible…

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Are the voice actors for big stars known for other acting roles, or are they usually strictly voice over artists?

You mean if stars voice over other stars?

Normally not. First they would want too much money, second there are time problems and third this may provoke strange meetings - either two actors with the voice in one film or a film with a different voice to prevent that.

But it is normal to have one VA take all the dub work for one star. For example my favorite singer (Maaya Sakamoto) is the Japanese voice of Natalie Portman (and several one-time roles).

But voice actors normally do a lot more work then just dubbing one star, at least if they are full-time VAs.
For example Maaya started as singer and main female voice in an anime and did a lot other anime voices, too (like Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade - I just wanted to write that name :smiley: ), but also did musicals, a few radio shows, and games. You may have heard her e.g. as FF VII Aerith or FF XIII Lighting, the main char. And of course she is still dong her singing, including now writing songs. (And in between the studied, a really busy girl :D)

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Or Berber, maybe?

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I was discussing that the other day! I happened to catch Dora on the local spanish network. Every instance of Spanish was in English. For example, Rojo the Fire Engine, was “Red The Fire Engine” and where she had to take the path that was “Azul” or “Amarillo” it was “blue” or “Jay-lo”

Which made me question very much the quality of the Spanish presented in the English version.

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For everybody not in the know, there’s usually two dubs of a movie into Spanish, one for Spain and another for Latin America. This is the version form Spain.

Here are the Latin American and Spain versions side by side:

They’re strictly voice actors, the exception is the dubbing for animated movies where the recent trend is to use TV actors with some recognition, not unlike animated movies in English are doing today.