Pictured: a 1 ton Tapir
What would I do with a cat the size of an elephant?
Yikes, figure b is a chonker! I’m surprised how they appear to remain so well proportioned.
… apparently terrestrial mammals can get much larger than any currently living examples
The huge animal would have weighed 24 tons and was the same size as six elephants, Deng told CNN. Its shoulders were more than 16 feet off the ground, the head at 23 feet, and its body was 26 feet long, he added.
If my Gremlin started kneading me as she does now…ya’ll would have to call a paramedic for me, because one thing I would NOT be able to do is do it myself. Traumatic blood loss, ya’ll.
Cleaning the cat’s litter box would require a mechanical excavator and breathing gear.
Personally, I can’t think of a better way to go than by my gigantic furry friend’s crushing embrace.
Run like hell.
Turnabout is fair play. She’s lying on that cat the way my cats lie on me.
Here’s J. B. S. Haldane’s famous essay, On Being The Right Size
Off-topic, Haldane coined the word “clone”.
Can we get the sabre-tooth cat on that same scale?
What, no shot of an excavator used to clean the liter box?
If it was social enough, try to form Voltron?
Have an even harder time getting up off the futon when she’s comfortable? At barely over 3kg she can already pin me down for an hour or more!
Make my time, about the only reason cats don’t eat us now is we’re way too big.
Forget that, can I get an elephant the size of a cat?
We had an 11kg cat, all of it muscle, and he would regularly pin the kids down then they were small, purring his head off. He was such a good boy.
“In-cat-acipated” is the word…
That said, we did have a couple of discussions early on in our relationship where I was glad I was 10x his size.