What Would Your Superpower Be?

Mmmm. Vision, better for saving humanity. Kitty’s power, better for saving me.

Tough choice. Can Kitty take people with her? Like, kids?

I was envisioning comic book powers, so yes but limited in nature and with cumulative stress on taking others.

Could in the films.

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sounds like you wanted to scale some actual grand tetons… :slight_smile:


“I am impressed. That was the best choice. redesigned is the kindest, warmest, and bravest human being I have ever met”

After watching Jessica Jones, I can see the benefits of such powers. But it also features the drawbacks You have to be a real scumbucket to exercise the powers regularly. Plus if it wears off and your victims know they were mind controlled, they are going to be pissed off like crazy at you.


Sure. Why limit teleportation in this setting. We are supposed to go wild here. As long as I don’t teleport into sceptic tanks, walls, prisons, or in the middle of homeowners association meetings, I want to be able to go anywhere.


yeah, when i think about it, it is kinda a creepy power. i wouldn’t actually want to control anyone against their own will, that seems rather messed up.

possible exceptions would be robinhooding a few of the extra greedy rich f*ers into helping the poor, or stopping wars.

have you seen the Rick and Morty - Unity episode?


Into…4-dimensional anti-de Sitter space (AdS4)


Of course. I loved how Summer’s efforts to free the people of Unity’s control revealed that they were murderous bigots. Mind control being the only thing keeping them all from killing each other. Its a running joke that every time someone on the show tries to act all moral, high and mighty, it always ends badly.

Have you ever read the “Wild Card” series edited by George RR Martin? (I am not sure they are still in print)?


No, but i will look for them.

It really is a fantastic show…

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I want the ability to summon non-gravitating multiply-connected spacelike world-tubes (basically wormholes without the inconvenient Earth-collapsing gravity). This would worry me less than teleporation where I’d always be concerned about appearing in a wall or what happened to the air I took the place of. Talk about time savings.

Which leads me to my second choice, the ability to stop time (and ideally my own biological aging), so I could finish every task on deadline.

I’d like the ability to time travel into my own past light-cone, but I’m convinced that the only logical paradox-free way that could work is if doing do creates a new tangent spacetime, which means I could never get back to my home timeline, so if I screw up and step on the wrong butterfly I’d be royally fucked. No, time travel is too risky.


Its a long series (about 15+ books), dating back to the late 80’s. But its mostly broken up into 2-3 book arcs so its not too daunting. Well worth picking up.


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Other planets?

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Considering the chance of finding ones with a breathable atmosphere and similar life sustaining characteristics in close (astronomical) proximity are rather slim, I don’t see that ending well.

Now maybe if I can procure a space suit, it would be fun to be able to use the moon as my storage space for all my extraneous stuff (that would not be destroyed by a lack of atmosphere and high solar radiation).


Not sure if this counts as a superpower or not. To always have like $500 in my wallet. If it take it out and spend it another $500 magically appears.


On the other hand, if anyone did strand you in space without a spacesuit, you could leave everyone baffled as to how you survived…

You’d be the only person on Earth for whom mugging would be a victimless crime. If you ever gain this superpower, be sure to let us know :relaxed:



I love that book! Count of Monte Cristo IN SPAAAAAACE!!!

I was thinking of that book with its mind over matter teleportation and this one:

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Could you set one up to allow ambient air pressure to equalize on both sides of the gateway? If yes, could you please connect Mars and Venus?


Some people just want to watch the world melt…