Whatcha Watchin' (Season 2)

It was one of those films I encouraged my partner to watch, but she was always put off by it depending on the vibe of the day. I saved it for when I was in that darker headspace and it made my jaw drop a couple times. There are scenes in there I wish he didn’t keep in, personally. Didn’t buy some of what came across as bit of a cash grab and toe dip in the Hollywood formula… what was your guess?
For Steve McQueen’s tv work I’m really looking forward to Small Axe and Lovers Rock.

It’s a cast led by strong women of color, operating within a traditionally male-centric trope, ‘the high stakes heist’ - it doesn’t shock me that there was hardly any promotion for it, despite having at least two high profile actors…


The whole lot take the upper hand just by working together on something like this. Regardless of the numerical value. I mean, Steve McQueen casually commented on modern day slavery when he accepted the Oscar for 12 Years a Slave. The whole cast and crew are just on a higher level than the atrocious suppressive showboat system.
I’m getting way off topic, but we’ve been watching in parts (sleepless nights with kids) this documentary called This Changes Everything… they’ve got all the statistics to prove the producers are just misogynistic robots and it all trickles down to the dregs.
There will be a turning point where we will all tremble with fear of the matriarchy and then we’ll all realize we’re all thriving and much better for it.

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Went a little off the rails there…
We watch Girlfriends on Netflix every now and then.
How they show the main character’s inner monologue is super simple but effective. It has important social commentary tucked neatly into dialogue where in the same breath the girlfriends gossip about their conquests
If you’re nostalgic for cable it’s worth watching how far television series have come but it seems like there weren’t many shows like it at the time.

Awesome! I love that! Good work, nerd!

Doctor Who Applause GIF by BBC America


Goddamn fabulous!!!


Oh great, now I’m going to have to post a picture of me in my homemade 4th Doctor costume sitting next to our skeleton with two hearts, a bow tie, and a fez, aren’t I?

Good thing such a photo doesn’t exist! (But the costumes very definitely do.)


Not the only peg leg from Florida I know. We had a friend, Billy, in Gainesville back in the day who had a leg removed above the knee (honestly, who loses a leg, anyway?).


Yes, you are.

Photographic equipment is readily available. You may already possess some.


The only thing not currently packed away in a box (very, very long and frustrating story) is the skeleton, so you will have to be patient!


Starting patience countdown…now.


Donald Glover Yes GIF

my emotions GIF

I still regret not getting this when Frockasaurus had it on her Etsy store…

Both the 6th doctor and 4th doctor dress were awesome…



Not bad!

Queen Elizabeth Ii GIF



I can see it.


I am a fool for cartoons, especially beautiful ones like " Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop".

Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop | Official Trailer | Netflix - YouTube"

Apology unnecessary!

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I am way late on this but, “Love” on Netflix is very good. The most LA show ever, and Gillian Jacobs remains a national treasure

Just finished Katla, and really enjoyed it. Thanks!

It struck me…

… isn’t this a homage to Solaris with a different setting, sorta? At first I kept thinking Les Revenants. Then when I realized it was basically an alien intelligence giving people what it thought they wanted, all I could think of was Solaris. The returning dead child, having to deal with a version of one’s self, etc., etc.

Really great though.


I support the cultural boycott of Israel. I see the ideological underpinnings of dramas like “Fauda” and “Hit and Run” as false premises for injustice. But of equal importance is the simple fact of the collaboration between the entertainment industries of both countries. In my opinion, this mutual embedding normalizes the brutal occupation of Palestine and normalizes Israel’s regime of violent apartheid.


OMG - there’s a musical ‘Sex Ed’ scene in the most recent ep of Schmigadoon! and it is hilarious