Whatcha Watchin' (Season 2)

Pick Me I Know GIF by Jackie James


This show is crazy! One part true crime, one part Adaptation (Nic Cage), and one part Michael Scott’s Threat Level Midnight. Hoo-boy!


It’s completely wild, isn’t it?! Also definitely one part The Rehearsal (though they could not have known about that when they were making it!)


Yes Sally, you can go to the toilet.

I mean, thanks for the pointer. Good show.

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I am watching this Netflix show called Makanai. It tells the story of two girls that left their hometown to become geisha apprentices in Kyoto.

In the helm of the series is Mr. Kore Era, one of my favorite directors from Japan. It is an adaptation of a séries of comic books by Ms. Aiko Koyama.

The characters are Very cute, but somehow they lack something, I don’t know. Maybe It is because I only watched two episodes. In spite of this we are enjoying It at home.

There is also a Cartoon version made by NHK, the japanese state television network. You can watch this version using their app.



I didn’t know it was his. Will watch so, I’m a huge fan. Netflix advertised it at me yesterday but wouldn’t let me watch for some reason. Might it work to watch with my manga and anime devouring children?


Yes totally. I mean, if they like slow paced slice of life cartoons like “From up on Poppy Hill”. One of the problems I noticed is that there are a lof of characters orbiting around the geisha house. They aren’t well developed and I couldn’t remember their names. But as I told, maybe it is because I only watched two episodes.

The two main girls are very cute and we root for them, even doesn’t understanding why did they decide to enter such a world. It is almost like joining the army or a monastery. They have to live under a lot of strict rules and it is very hard to master even the jargon and the “language” of the geishas.

Oh. One scene that I really liked was when a geisha, in full attire, was sieged by a bunch of tourists hungry for a picture. One old school geisha’s photographer, somewhat a little creepy according to the geishas, criticized the use of digital cameras and flashes, which he said destroyed the whole feeling and atmosphere of the environment. I think Mr Kore Eda captured the atmosphere of Kyoto’s geisha district very well. My wife, who is Japanese-Brazilian, likes it a lot too, especially the scenes of food preparation and meals.


I never understood that facet of Japanese culture well, and never especially wanted to because it sounds so patriarchal, sexist, etc. Does the show critique that aspect at all?


Not until the second episode. Maybe later. I agree with you that it is somewhat strange for me. At least they didn’t show anything abusive yet.


There was a TV show from NHK that I used to watch on the San Francisco Japanese channel (started because it came on right after they broadcast the original Japanese language Iron Chef) that I would recommend if you are interested in (gently) smashing the patriarchy.

It’s about a young woman who wants to be a carpenter and build houses. That’s it. That’s the conflict and tension driving the show. And it really does - because, well, she’s a girl!

I have no idea if it can be found streaming anywhere. It might be findable through various means of course.


It never occurred to me before that Fantasy Island is part of the literature of Arcadia, where fey monarchs mess with mortals for the lulz

It’s like a Neil Gaiman story :thinking:

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I’m not a gamer but I watched some of the game on YouTube. This first episode is the best adaptation of a video game I’ve ever seen. It helps that the game is grounded in realistic (for a zombie shooting game) action and human characters.

If you are not familiar with the way the game opens, you will be gutted. If you are, you will still be gutted but you already knew that. If the entire series can maintain the quality of this first episode, it will be hands down the best zombie apocalypse ever.


i just caught a review of this in today’s Guardian. i really, really don’t watch stuff in the genre (no thank you, Walking Dead) but familiar with the game and being in love with Pascal(:heart:!), this sounds like something i might want to try. sounds like Nick Offerman puts in a performance that definitely needs to ne seen.
guess i’ll need to keep HBO a little longer and check it out.


Ok, I admit that occasionally watching an episode of Rick and Morty was a guilty pleasure of mine despite knowing that a subset of the show’s fanbase are toxic tr0lls and much of the humor in the show is obviously crass and insensitive. But man, it’s hard to see how I’d be able to separate the show from one of it’s co-creators moving forward. This is seriously messed up:


I knew that more things and messages were coming out, but this flood…god, what a piece of shit

I feel bad for the people that work with him at Rick and Morty (some of whom are great people like writer Heather Anne Campbell), Solar Opposites, and at Squanch (Roiland’s game company). I do not see any of these things continuing. His behavior has fucked up a lot of peoples livelihoods, in addition to hurting his direct victims


I want this to happen and to be good. Will it be? I have no idea, but it would be great to see them take a run at it


Oh please please please please please be good.


The Three Bodies Problem. A chinese adaptation of Liu Cixin’s book about an alien invasion.


The Tencent Youtube channel is releasing new episodes every week with english subtitles.


Right Wing Catholic decides that we only like Glass Onion because we are envious of virtue (you know, the virtue of Elon Musk). Oh…and that Benoit Blanc would have been smart enough to ignore COVID…like Mike Rowe?


The writer is wrong about Benoit avoiding covid like Mike Rowe. Benoit’s idleness and discontent came from a lack of cases to work on while the world shut down. That’s a hat tip to Sherlock Holmes who turned to heroin when no interesting cases presented themselves.

I do agree the rich characters were cartoon cutouts, but hasn’t the media flooded us with cartoon cutouts in the last decade? Rush, Trumpy, Gatez, MTG, Rogan, Musk, DeSantis, hell, I could go on a while with that list.

Am I envious of any of the clowns mentioned or displayed in Glass Onion? Nope, I suspect none of them has a single friend or contact that isn’t transactional. AAR, I certainly won’t feel bad if the rich get poked by filmmakers.