Whatcha Watchin’ (Season 3)

Is the explanation vastly different from Twin Perfect’s from a few years ago? I do appreciate that even with two videos the analysis is shorter.

I think she’s being critical of these other explainer videos… She’s far less interested in explaining the series and giving you a “right” answer about it’s meaning which she kind of rejects, and more interested in exploring the general themes being explored by Lynch/Frost with regards to other media of the era (especially soaps of the 80s like Dynasty, or the parallels between Silence of the Lambs and Fire Walk with Me). She also explores the dichotomy between logic and emotion often drawn in pop culture and how TP undermines that dichotomy… She’s sort of arguing that the series is highly meta, in that it’s about other show/film genres of their time.

BTW - I just finished the first video (which covers the original series and Fire Walk with Me), and have not watched the second (which covers the Return).

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… from now on Robert Downey Jr. is going to get all of Alan Arkin’s parts


Those Old Scientists, episode 7 of season 2 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds was released a couple hours ago, several days earlier than the normal schedule (Thursdays.) I just finished watching it and it was hilarious. Jack Quaid and Tawny Newsome were awesome playing their characters from Star Trek: Lower Decks in live action. Boimler was fanboying about practically everyone and everything (as is to be expected) but Mariner also got in a little face time with her hero among Pike’s crew.

There were a lot of little Easter egg references to the other Star Trek series: I specifically remember Enterprise, the original series, Next Generation, and Deep Space Nine. [I don’t remember offhand if there were any animated series or Voyager references, Discovery was probably still heavily classified in Lower Decks time, and most of Picard and Prodigy take place after Lower Decks IIRC.]

It wasn’t all humor, though. The two of them explaining to Number One why they reacted so strangely to her was a little “Aww” moment. And I wonder if Boimler will quote in Lower Decks what Pelia said to him in this episode. It could lead to real positive change for his character.

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… broadcast again this evening

It says something was “Updated on: July 23, 2023” but I couldn’t tell what was supposed to be new

There was a clip of this video near the end

Listen to that tommorow. Happiness

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Not perfect, but pretty good; it was a fun watch.


… “celebronauts” :roll_eyes:

Bob Odenkirk raises the bar for “action” (revenge) movies. No redeeming value, but entertaining.


Disney just doubled down on refusing to release a wide swath of their content on physical media, in the most Disney way possible…



Really good adaptation. They are reruning it this week and it’s available for 4 weeks.


Ok, I did not see that twist coming in They Cloned Tyrone! :astonished: The soundtrack was great, too. Now I’ll have to try not to hum this while navigating tall buildings. :wink:



Crank (2006) - IMDb

Crank: High Voltage (2009) - IMDb


:musical_note: “I’m goin’ dooooown…”

Crank always seemed like what I thought Dead or Alive was like. *

WARNING: This motion picture contains explicit portrayals of violence; sex; violent sex; sexual violence; clowns and violent scenes of violent excess, which are definitely not suitable for all audiences.

I don’t think the ending spoils anything:

I :heart: Takashi Miike

*It isn’t…


If you love Takashi Miike, then you will also love Sion Sono, best known for Cold Fish, which is somehow his least crazy film.


I think the first movie I saw from him was Suicide Circle (Suicide Club). Love his stuff.

Of that sort of Japanese stuff:


Oh, I see you have good taste! You may also be familiar with Koji Shiraishi as well.

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Uuu something I haven’t heard of. Thanks!


I think this may be the beginning of a beautiful movie marathon.