Whatcha Watchin’ (Season 3)

If you only watch one feminist Tasmanian serial killer police procedural this month…


I forget where I saw it described as the story of two friends, one of whom is a bit mad, and the other one is going along with it for the fun, and that moment you discover you were wrong about who was who the whole time.


… not a fan trailer made from clips of other movies

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Monster is a top notch thriller manga and the anime is an excellent adaptation.

Also check out 20th Century Boys by the same mangaka - no anime series of that one, but the trilogy of live action films is pretty wild!

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The Wheel of Time, Season 2 (started with a review of season 1):


I’ll add that the characters are over the top in many ways, so don’t roll your eyes and give up after only one episode. Watch a couple, and you’ll start to get a feel for the style, and then you’ll love it.

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Sounds interesting

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After a long time I manage to watch some episodes of Orville. I have a mixed feeling here. I think it’s a good parody/fan fiction of Star Trek The Next Generation. Despite the cast with cameos and great production values, this show has a somewhat amateurish feel, as if it were made by Star Trek fans.


Give the show some time and it might surprise you. It decreases the number of jokes and increases the dramatic allegorical stories to the point where it feels like a modern TNG, not just a fanfic or parody.


I’m watching random episodes. I couldn’t identify if the plot has an arc or something like that. I agree with you, after a while they found their own voice. I don’t think it carries the weight of being part of the StarTrek franchise, so it allowed them to play/joke around, which was tiring at times, but it also gave them the opportunity to approach the Star Trek universe in their own way.


I found it ham handed on some issues. And I don’t think the lead can act worth a damn.


As I cannot watch SNW anymore, I have to resort to Orville to cope with my Star Trek urges.


Lower Decks starts soon.


Oh, I love Aardman´s cartoons.

I enjoyed the first movie, but the casting might have gone from the frying pan into the fire… :grimacing:

So do I,

If it was to use some controversial voice, at least it was better to have left Mr. Gibson, maybe He has changed, I don’t know…

Speaking in cartoons:

It seems to be very beautiful and the artists had a hard time during the production of this movies, thanks to Mr. Putin.


Stephen Colbert Thinking GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert


Maybe I was asking too much…

I’m so on board with the next Castlevania series. It’s loosely based on my favorite game in the series with my favorite Belmont, and I’m more sold on things if they continue incorporating music from the game like they do in the trailer.

Looks like they put Maria at an age between her depiction in Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night. And I believe the other women in his party are new versions of the women Richter has to free in the game. Both changes sound and look good to me.